Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 29 of 39 part 9

I just realized that we are at the last entry in my note book 29 so we will be entering 30 here shortly. Carrying on with the revealing of man and then Israel's corruption through Jacob. Remember that those who come to the obedience of faith or the trusting of God by taking Him at his word, are counted heirs of Abraham and Isaac because they speak well of them. For years I was puzzled by what I saw as a break in Israel's behavior after Isaac but I was not able to put my finger on it. Yesterday the LORD opened it up to me and for you our followers.

Ephesians 4:22b
"...which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;"
Corrupt isn’t a pretty word is it? And we want you to know it’s not a pretty word. If any of you have ever done any gardening, especially if you put out a patch of potatoes. When you dig up those new potatoes after the growing season, and you are going through that nice fresh turned dirt, and picking up those new potatoes, invariably you are going to stick your finger into something that will just about turn your stomach inside out. And what is it? That old seed potato that is now rotten (in Genesis 3 God told woman and the serpent that the seed would be bruised at the heel, in 25:26 Jacob grabs Esau's heel at birth. My wife and I did some research last evening and we found a word buried in the ancient Hebrew, which has a French origin lier, in Joshua 8:14 it is used for one who lies in wait for ambush just as) that old potato which is now corrupt. Now that’s what we think of when we see the word "corrupt." Religion, in Latin is religare, in French it is lier and both when applied properly means rotten, corruption through the turning away as a supplanter (see Hosea12:2-3). It is something that is repulsive, something that just turns our stomach, and something that we just want to push out of our mind. Now listen, we think in the eyes of God that we can safely say, this is what our old Adamic nature boils down to. It is corrupt in His eyes, and is something that just turns Him off. The house that practices religion is deceitful in it's lusts for greater deception by turning mans head away from God as the serpent did woman and man when Adam listened to the voice of his flesh.
Now we just found a word in Genesis 32:28, which may be interposed by the translators, the word is blessed, if the Bible translators twisted it and its actual meaning or in an effort to deceive, this word means curse, or to blaspheme. If that be the case Jacob was cursed and not blessed and Israel carries this curse by it's practice of usage. Why did the angel of the Lord bless Jacob? When Jacob wanted him to bow to him as the victor, that does not fight God's character. God will bow to NO man, let alone Jacob a usurper and supplanter. This is why we need the Spirit of Truth, the ontological essence of Christ's Spirit within us who alone will cause us to question and search for His Truth. Look at Genesis 25:23 where Rebekah is being told, "and two nations", those of out right rebellion and the other are obstinate and prevailed against God....Jacob who became Israel. Today Esau's decedents are the Assyrians.

Now we are entering note book 30.

Now God loves us, do not get me wrong, but the old Adam is corrupt, and vile. The word shows us how bad it was back before the flood in Genesis. In fact let us go back there and look at it for a moment in chapter 6. This chapter is introducing the flood, and what brought it on, and see, God is still looking on that kind of a world. My word, when we consider, and read some of these articles of the filth, and the corruption that is permeating the whole world today, we have to wonder, how long can God put up with it. Well it was the same way back there and in Genesis it is recorded for our learning. But because of the removal of at least two books that we have in our position the Bible hides allot of information. And there came a day when He did not put up with it any longer, nor is He going to again.YES! But this time He will judge it by fire, or wrath. Why? Because the blood has been shed which redeemed mankind and mans conscience now judges him, the inner witness of God's very presences.

Genesis 6:5-7
"And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (does that ring a bell? Hey we are there!) And it repented (or made the Lord sorry) that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them."
Come on down to verse 11, and we will pick up with the word "corrupt."

Genesis 6:11-12
"The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was (very) corrupt; for all flesh has corrupted his way upon the earth."       

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