Friday, May 29, 2015

Thessalonians part 64

We have the statement that the mighty will fail, as found in Psalm 33 beginning at verse 13 and I wont the last two verses so I'll go through the end of verse 17 where we find this,The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people He has chosen for His own inheritance.(this needs magnification so look at Ps. 2:8, 2Cor. 5:14-15 with John 10:14-28 with 11:51-52 and understand that the nation from GOD'S perspective is made up of all those who believe as Abraham came to believe.) The LORD looks from heaven; He beholds all the sons of men. From the place of His habitation He looks upon all the inhabitants of the earth. He fashions their hearts alike; He considers all their works. There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength. An horse is a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver any by his great strength.”

Lastly is vain boasting in 1Kings 20 beginning at verse 7 through the end of verse 12 and verse 11 is our targeted passage here, “Then the king of Israel called all the elders of the land, and said, Mark, I pray you, and see how this man seeks mischief: for he sent to me for my wives, and for my children, and for my silver, and for my gold; and I denied him not. And all the elders and all the people said to him, Hearken not to him, nor consent. Wherefore he said to the messengers of Benhadad, Tell my lord the king, All that you did send to me your servant at the first I will do: but this thing I may not do. And the messengers departed, and brought him word again. And Benhadad sent to him, and said, The gods do so to me, and more also, if the dust of Samaria shall suffice for handfuls for all the people that follow me. The king of Israel answered, Tell him, Let not him that girds on his harness boast himself as he that puts it off. And it came to pass, when Benhadad heard this message, as he was drinking, he and the kings in the pavilions, that he said to his servants, Set yourselves in array. And they set themselves in array against the city.”

Next I'll turn our attention towards the false prophets beginning with a test of, doctrine in Isaiah 8, false prophecies in 1Kings 13, and lives in Matthew 7. Then the characteristics of, prophecy of peace in Jeremaih 23, teaching of lies in Jeremiah 28, pretending to be true in Matthew 7, and the teaching of corrupt in 2Peter 2. Then we have illustrations and examples of in Zedekiah in 1Kings 22:11-12, Hananiah in Jeremiah 28:1-17, and the teaching on the last days in Matthew 24:11. Which I will again allow you to do the research of.

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