Thursday, September 8, 2011

"The Knowledge of God part VI

Even so with the “many sons”,

􀁹 They, too, are begotten by the Spirit (John 3:5)
􀁹 They, too, are led of the pneuma (the New Nature) which is begotten by the Spirit (Rom. 8:14).
􀁹 All their graces and gifts are the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
􀁹 Their faith is the gift of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:11).
􀁹 Their hope is through the power of the Holy Ghost (Romans 15:13).
􀁹 Their prayer is by the Spirit (Romans 8:26).

Thus, again, we see how the whole Godhead is revealed, as engaged in procuring and securing the access of all His children unto Himself.

Here we have no presentation of dry doctrine; no assertion of empty dogma; no rehearsing of a lifeless creed; no following of tradition, or production of a theory; but a blessed and glorious and experimental reality.

It is all “through Him”, through Christ, “by whom we have access into this Grace wherein we stand” (Romans 5:2).

It is in Christ that all our Blessings are treasured up: it is through the power of the Spirit that they are conveyed and communicated to us: and it is by the Father’s Love they are given to Christ for us.

This is “the Grace wherein we stand”.


1. The Spirit’s Direction of the Heart

Now let us see how the two Epistles to the typical “Assembly of the Thessalonians” assume the knowledge of all this precious revelation as the present possession of the saints who were addressed. They are not taught it as a doctrine; but they are to realize it, and experience it, and enjoy it as a prayer in faith.

It is the knowledge of their election by God (1 Thessalonians 1:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:13), and of His revelation of Himself in Christ by the Spirit, which made those believers so remarkable for Holiness of Life and for missionary zeal. These two grand facts were the necessary outcome of the possession of all this Divine Truth.

This Truth, like a precious seed, brought forth this precious fruit. Their Holiness of Life was not produced by holiness conventions, or by any outward methods of any king. Their missionary zeal was not produced by missionary Missions or Exhibitions; or by any working upon their natural feelings. But both were the working out of that Truth which had been first worked in them (Philippians 2:12,13).

The power of such Truth as this can not be stifled. It needs only guidance and control. It did not need exciting. It could be produced only by the Word of God received into the heart: and, fed upon there, and assimilated, resulted in spiritual strength, manifested in Holiness of Life, and witnessed in zeal for God’s service.

It is first received then it is instructive, therefore, for us to notice the closing prayer on behalf of the “Church of the Thessalonians” (2 Thessalonians 3:5), which sums up their spiritual apprehensions and attainments:-
“The LORD (the Spirit) direct your hearts
Into the Love of GOD (the Father)
And into the patience of CHRIST.”

It is the Lord, the Spirit, who is named first, because it is He who directs the receptive “heart”.

Jeremiah’s prayer confesses this:
“O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man that walks to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23).

So also we read in Proverbs 16:9.
“ A man’s heart devises his way;
But the Lord directs his steps.”

And Proverbs 19:21,
“There are many devices in a man’s heart;
Nevertheless, the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.”

Here, we have man’s natural heart laid bare; the impotence of man to direct his own heart manifested; and the need of the Lord the Spirit to direct it revealed.

It is this that raises the hostility of the natural man. It is very humbling to be told these Truths. It is the very last thing that the natural man will admit. He thinks he can direct his own way. Yes, and in his long prayers he actually takes upon himself to direct the Lord as to His way, and as to what He ought to do: even implying that if he had the direction of the affairs of the world and of the church he would soon have things very different from what they are! This cannot be denied: for it may be constantly discerned in prayer-meetings where the flesh bears sway.

Oh, how difficult is the lesson; and how it needs the direction of the Spirit, the Lord of all power and might to bring the natural man down to his knees, and to humble him in the dust. This is where the very act of prayer is intended to put us. But man (in his usual perversity) turns this low place into a throne, whence he would fain direct the Almighty as to what He ought to do! and, giving an onlooker the impression that, if God had half the compassion which those who pray have, all would soon be put right!
Such is the arrogance of the old nature even in the child of God. But it is the Lord alone who can lay us low and cause us to cry out -
I am ignorant - teach me Your ways.
I am perplexed - Counsel me.
I am all astray - Direct me.
I am blind - Enlighten me.
I am weak - Strengthen me.
I am deceived - Deliver me.

Here comes in the Divine counsel:
“In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:6)

‘It is the one great work of the Spirit to direct the heart. The Lord’s work is always heart work. Man’s work always has regard to “the outward appearance”. His effort is to direct the life and the walk. Man ever begins at the wrong end. He begins outside, in the main hope of working inward. He cleanses “the outside of the cup and the platter”, while within all is uncleanness. His aim is to reform the life. He sweeps and garnishes it; but it is only to prepare the heart for the abode of evil spirits (Luke 11:24-26). All this is religion: and it is the one object of religion to direct the flesh: and by the use of Rules and Directories to try and make the flesh bring forth spiritual fruit (both evil or good). But it is all in vain. It is man’s heart that is at fault. It is “not that which goes into the mouth defiles a man... for out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders adulteries, fornication, thefts, false-witness, blasphemies; these are the things which defile a man; but to eat with unwashed hands defiles not a man” (Matt. 15:11,19,20). This is what man would designate the “teaching of Jesus”. But it is the teaching that the natural man will not have at any price.

Man directs not only his own way, but does his best to direct the ways of all others. His religion belongs to the flesh, and is made up of ordinances on and for the flesh. “Touch not, taste not, handle not”, are “the commandments and doctrines of men”, and sum up his religion.

Oh! how opposite to all this is the direction of the Lord the Spirit. He reveals to us our hearts. He can show us that we are not only lost sinners, but ruined creatures. He shows us our sins and follies, and frailties and infirmities, and weaknesses and errors, and faults and failings. He causes us to mourn over our sins, to be ashamed of our follies, and to hate all evil ways, that we have no desire to find fault with our brethren. He directs our hearts to the righteousness of God which covers us; to the wisdom of Christ which governs us; to the Holiness of the Spirit which adorns us; to the power from on high which strengthens us; to the Newness of Life which animates us.

Man’s religion begins with the flesh; continues in corruption; remains in sin and ends in death. But the Lord the Spirit directs us to Christ. His work is to glorify Christ (John 16:14). That work begins with Christ in His Grace; continues in Christ in His eternal Life; and ends with Christ in His Glory. It is all to do with the heart, and not with the flesh; with the New heart that is fallowed to be receptive, and not with the old heart or clay and stone. The old heart is so defiled that it cannot be cleansed; but the New heart, which the Spirit gives, is Divine, and needs no cleansing as it is purified by the Holy Spirit.

It is with this New heart that man believes unto righteousness (Romans 10:9,10). It is in this New heart that Christ dwells by faith (Ephesians 3:17). It is the New heart which is “in the hand of the Lord, as the divisions of water [are in the hand of the gardener]”. (Proverbs 21:1). It is the New heart, which, having its Head and treasure in Heaven, has also its Home and seat of government there (Philippians 3:20).

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