Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Mystery of Godliness apart XVII

By Major W. Ian Thomas

When God created Adam in his innocence, the Holy Spirit was a Royal Resident. He had unchallenged and exclusive access to Adam’s soul. He alone had the right to sit, as it were, at the key-board where the human personality was orchestrated. As He instructed the mind, controlled the emotions, and directed the will, the Spirit of Truth struck every chord in true harmony with the heart of God in Heaven. There was a matchless melody that rang out from his daily activities as an evidence that God was the source of Adam’s life. (This harmony was recorded in the stars and Heavens as they still resound this song of God's Grace. Emphasis added.)

The Deceiver, however, led Adam into believing that man could play the Instrument of his own personality. He pointed out the advantages of being free from the restrictive presence of the Holy Spirit.

Supposedly, Adam would be able to enhance his spiritual life when he was free to pick and choose his own tunes. By playing his own music, the tunes would only need to be in harmony with himself. He would no longer need to be concerned about keeping in harmony with God! Indeed, he could become his own god, and what could be better than that? (When this occurred man lost the ability to hear not only God's voice but also the song of the Heavens. Emphasis added)

What Adam did not realize is that once he had turned from the Tree of Life, and the Spirit had vacated the temple of his body, the father of lies would take control of the Music Room. In this fallen way of life, even though the Deceiver had led Adam to believe that he would have an opportunity to choose his own tunes, there would actually be a demon sitting at the key-board thumping away at the notes. It is “the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience.” (Eph. 2:2) His name is The Flesh. He took control of the Instrument and began producing an awful noise.

The Instrument has not changed. It is the same Instrument that God originally used to make melodies in harmony with Himself. But having once produced harmony with the Life and nature of God, the instrument now produces discord.

This is the story of how fallen man became separated from the Life of God. The flesh-life, under the sway of Satan, is now at the keyboard producing iniquity and lawlessness in the world!

You do not need a new Instrument. The original is just fine. What you need is a new Musician. The Holy Spirit, when He is in full control of the key-board, will begin to play beautiful music within your soul. He will make your inner being like the Paradise of God. He is the One who is able to produce the Kingdom-Life of God through your mortal body.

But if I {the Son of God} drive out demons {including the flesh-life} by the finger of God {by the Holy Spirit}, then the kingdom of God has come to you. (Luke 11:20)

Next we'll look at: "The Second Man – The Lord From Heaven"

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