Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Mystery of Godliness

Before we start this new section. It has been our aim to bring to Light the Truth by way of the mysteries or secret things of God as spoken of in Deuteronomy 29:29. These secret things as revealed to and received by those who through their own willingness to let go of all worldly and earthy things including the things of self-sufficiency and self-willed mankind. This way leads us to the taking up of the Yoke of Christ and the release of self to the putting of it to death by way of ceasing to seek the things of the flesh in obedience to Christ Jesus and His Essence or Spirit within us. The taking of His mindset as our own and the willingness to suffer, as He suffered and learned obedience, as He perfects our Salvation through the same process or steps that He took while hear on earth. It is to this end that we share the following book now available in the public domain.

We'll fallow the same pattern as our other sharing. That being that we'll use italic words as our inserted thought usually in parentheses and word meanings or differentiations. Now for our book....

"The Mystery of Godliness"
written by Major W. Ian Thomas

Reflecting God’s Glory

I tell you the Truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing....And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Son may bring Glory to the Father. (John 14:12-13 Emphasis added)

The Son of God came into the world to display His Father’s Life of Love. Both His way of life and the works He did were a result of His Father working through Him in the power of the Holy Spirit. He brought Glory to the Father by permitting His Father to express the Kingdom-Life through His mortal body.

The children of God were never intended to live by their own strength. If your life can still be explained in terms of you – your personality, your gifts, your talent, your will-power, your money, your courage, your dedication, your scholarship, or your anything –
you are not yet walking as Jesus did. You will need to learn how the Son lived by the power of the Holy Spirit before you can become a true vessel of God’s Glory.

In the same way Jesus received His life from the Father and thereby displayed the Father’s Glory in this world, we are to receive our life from the Son. Jesus said, “And the glory which You {the Father} gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me.” (John 17:22-23)

The Son is able to continue bringing Glory to the Father as we permit Him to display the Light of His Life and works through our mortal bodies while walking in this world. “His Divine power has given us everything we need for Life and godliness.” (2 Pet. 1:3)

God’s children were created to reflect the Light of God’s Glory. We have been designed in a way that will permit the Divine power of Christ’s Spirit to work through us. We are therefore expected to reflect a Heavenly nature that is referred to in the Scriptures as the “Light of Life” in our daily activities. And according to
God’s Word, everyone who sees this “Light” will know the Life is coming through a work of God’s power.

I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the Light of Life. (John 8:12)

Whoever lives by the Truth comes into the Light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.

But we have this treasure in jars of clay {weak mortal bodies} to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. (2 Cor. 4:7)
(John 3:21 Emphasis added)

As we study these lessons, we will find that God expects His children to live through the power of His Spirit by dependent faith. Jesus, while living in a mortal body, was able to display His Father’s Glory because He depended on the power of the Spirit working through Him in everything He did. In the same way, we will be enabled to “walk as Jesus did” (1 John 2:6) when we are walking by the same kind of dependent faith. Jesus therefore said, “Anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing.”

Jesus does not mean that everyone will duplicate His miracles. The Son does, however, intend to display His Divine nature of Love through each of His disciples “so that the Son may bring Glory to the Father.” The Father receives the Glory because the “Light of Life” being displayed becomes a reflection of His Life of Divine Love.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more…so that you may be pure and blameless…filled with the fruit of Righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the Glory and praise of God. (Phil. 1:9-11)

Next: "Doing the Impossible"

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