Sunday, February 10, 2013

How or rather why is it that so many believe the lie? An on going thought.

Continuing with: This was caused by this: “Definition of stupid: Knowing the Truth, Seeing the Truth, but still believing the lie.”

When I see things such as I'm about to copy into this page I want to scream at people for their ignorance of God and His Christ and the spirit of the world which pervades in them and their churches.

“friends:...Getting in spiritual shape is allot like getting in physical shape...with physical fitness our body moans and groans and complains in the doesn't want to do anything...but once we get into it and MAKE our bodies do it we feel great...if we stick with it ...then our bodies will be transformed...that's how it is getting fit first our flesh moans and groans and complains in making a doesn't want to change...but being fit spiritually is a guard against the enemy...our enemy is a dirt-bag...he's like a criminal that tries to come into our house and steal...he has NO authority...but he will try and get away with's our job to resist him and kick him out...when we catch our enemy Satan trying to pull one over on us with our health...finances...children...marriages ...trying to steal our peace and's our job to stand on the Word and resist him and not give in to anything that's not victory...sometimes it's a fight...BUT IT"S A GOOD FIGHT!!!”

This does indeed have the sound of good doctrine but is it? NO way, why? Because “IF” we've passed through the operation of the cross in its death to the devil and his nature of religion, that is to say sin within our soul/spirit, wherein laid Satan's character (past tense). Where at we having received the circumcision of the heart as revealed in Deuteronomy 30:6 and Ezekiel 36:26-27, and through its operation entered into the New and Living Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34). Therein we'll have sufferings and trials and persecutions because of our change of character as our having entered God's plane of Salvation. As He corrects, trains, teaches and tutors us as sons, for if He does not correct us we're no more than a bastard child. Or remain within the corral of redemption as out first estate after having first believed on the name of Jesus. And may even remain in unbelief, this unbelief is what religion brings about as seen in the quote. The very same thing that cost Israel her place before God and made of her an enmity to Him.

Remember this that religion is sin and lawlessness and therefore wickedness before God. As it mocks and takes lightly both God and His Christ who's character is restored within us by faith's working. For when we've passed through redemption and have entered into God's Salvation we're protected from the influence of Satan, we're covered in Christ as we've put on the Lord Christ Jesus as a clothing and armor of God. Then no weapon formed against us can have any influence nor can any evil befall us for we're in God's hand. We're in the promised New Covenant, Jesus revealed the fact that He is the Life giving Living Christ that He had the very Godhead within Himself as the humanity as God had designed us all to be. For He said that He did nothing by His own initiative or in His own power, He was NOT sufficient within Himself to do or say what was said or done. He was totally receptive through faith of the Father of spirits working in Him by the Holy Spirit.

Earlier we skipped over 1 Timothy 4 verses 1-3 but here is what it says: “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times (in the enigma of the interim, or as time passes between the two promised comings) some shall depart from the faith (turn their backs towards Christ and Christianity as God knows it to be, just as Israel through Judaism has done), giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats (the works of religion such as seen in Judaism or religious-Christianity as these are an oxymoron), which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.”

Now here's what a good Dictionary reveals about the word religion: Origin of RELIGION; Middle English religioun, from Anglo-French religiun, Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back.

I guess that I need to say this because so many confuse the things spoken of by Jesus through His words to Israel as the Yehovah of God, He spoke of Himself as both the son of man and Spirit of Holiness. For throughout the Old Testament He had revealed Himself by or through many titles or names depending on the required measure of the need. There must be well over one hundred of these titles such as El Elyon or El Saddai....etc. Even Yehovah (Covenant-God) is but a title of who He is like "I AM that I AM" of Exodus 3:14. Many people get tied up by the Jewish teachings dealing with His many names or titles and beleive that there is but One name or titles not realizing the many. What I mean here is that to my parents I'm their son, to my brothers and sister I'm a brother, to my wife I'm her lover, best friend and covering/husband, but to those who are outsiders I'm either William or Bill. But in each case I'm just me or I am. For in Christ I'm hid in God and seated within them both as One. Just as Jesus prayed and John records in chapter 17 of his gospel message of the good news which is Christ Jesus in whom alone is found the kingdom of God among us.

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