Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Names of the Spirit

We'll under take a new direction of study just because we can if for no other reason. To see what lays out there for discovery and our understanding of all thing spiritual.

Spirit of God
51 verses found, 243 matches
2 verses found, 9 matches
1 verse found, 3 matches
2 verses found, 10 matches
2 verses found, 6 matches
10 verses found, 44 matches
1 Corinthians
8 verses found, 40 matches
2 Corinthians
3 verses found, 13 matches
1 verse found, 3 matches
4 verses found, 18 matches
1 Thessalonians
1 verse found, 5 matches
2 Thessalonians
1 verse found, 6 matches
1 Timothy
1 verse found, 4 matches
2 Timothy
1 verse found 6 matches
3 verses found, 17 matches
1 Peter
3 verses found, 18 matches
1 John
4 verses found, 23 matches
4 verses found, 18 matches

Spirit of Christ
26 verses found, 117 matches
1 verse found, 4 matches
6 verses found, 28 matches
1 Corinthians
1 verse found, 5 matches
2 Corinthians
1 verse found, 6 matches
2 verses found, 7 matches
1 verse found, 6 matches
3 verses found, 13 matches
1 verse found, 3 matches
1 Thessalonians
1 verse found, 4 matches
2 Thessalonians
1 verse found, 3 matches
2 Timothy
1 verse found, 4 matches
1 verse found, 3 matches
1 verse found, 3 matches
1 Peter
3 verses found, 18 matches
1 John
2 verses found, 10 matches

Holy Spirit
12 verses found, 24 matches
2 verses found, 4 matches
2 verses found, 4 matches
1 verse found, 2 matches
1 Corinthians
2 verses found, 4 matches
3 verses found, 6 matches
1 Thessalonians
1 verse found, 2 matches
1 verse found, 2 matches

Spirit of Wisdom
5 verses found, 24 matches
2 verses found, 8 matches
1 Corinthians
2 verses found, 10 matches
1 verse found, 6 matches

Spirit of Grace
6 verses found, 25 matches
1 verse found, 3 matches
1 verse found, 3 matches
2 Timothy
1 verse found, 4 matches
1 verse found, 3 matches
1 verse found, 6 matches
1 Peter
1 verse found, 6 matches

Spirit of Life
7 verses found, 32 matches
2 verses found, 9 matches
2 Corinthians
1 verse found, 6 matches
1 verse found, 5 matches
3 verses found, 12 matches

Spirit of the Lord
22 verses found, 175 matches
3 verses found, 28 matches
3 verses found, 28 matches
1 verse found, 6 matches
1 Corinthians
5 verses found, 39 matches
2 Corinthians
2 verses found, 18 matches
1 verse found, 5 matches
1 verse found, 10 matches
1 Thessalonians
1 verse found, 6 matches
2 Thessalonians
2 verses found, 16 matches
2 Timothy
1 verse found, 10 matches
1 verse found, 4 matches
1 verse found, 5 matches

Spirit of Truth
8 verses found, 35 matches
3 verses found, 12 matches
2 verses found, 8 matches
2 Thessalonians
1 verse found, 5 matches
1 Peter
1 verse found, 3 matches
1 John
1 verse found, 7 matches

Spirit of Holiness
2 verses found, 8 matches
1 verse found, 4 matches
2 Corinthians
1 verse found, 4 matches

Spirit of Faith
11 verses found, 40 matches
1 Corinthians
1 verse found, 4 matches
2 Corinthians
1 verse found, 3 matches
5 verses found, 19 matches
1 verse found, 5 matches
1 verse found, 3 matches
1 Timothy
2 verses found, 6 matches

Spirit of Him
29 verses found, 122 matches
1 verse found, 5 matches
7 verses found, 27 matches
5 verses found, 19 matches
3 verses found, 11 matches
2 verses found, 7 matches
1 verse found, 4 matches
1 Corinthians
2 verses found, 11 matches
2 Corinthians
1 verse found, 3 matches
1 verse found, 6 matches
1 John
1 verse found, 3 matches
5 verses found, 26 matches

Spirit of His Son
1 verse found, 1 match
1 verse found, 1 match

Spirit of prophecy
1 verse found, 1 match
1 verse found, 1 match

Seven spirits
4 verses found, 4 matches
4 verses found, 4 matches

Before we go any farther we must understand that all that is written within the Revelation is not literal in nature but figurative, or spiritual and in a picture language form. Because this was the way of the earlier writers and the way that Jesus Himself used to speak. For example if He was with farmers, cattlemen or shepherds He used agricultural language to express a spiritual reality. If He was before the leaders of the Jewish Religion, He spoke in metaphoric or parabolic language to reveal their true state of deadness, or separation from spiritual things and their lack of understanding. In many cases He was speaking to this condition as blindness, hardness and ignorance of heart, in not seeing or not hearing. Well John used the same metaphoric language to express what he saw in the visions, as each are not one vision but rather seem to be many (that is to say as there were seven churches written about there of necessity may have been seven visions seen) from different angels. That create a surround about vision or what we know as a theater in the round where we can see from different views or angels of observation a more complete picture of what lays before us. When we approach the Revelation of this book , the Bible, in this manor we'll see that even the benefit of the seven spirits spoken of are for our benefit of hearing and seeing during the enigma of the interim in which we live between the first and the second coming of Christ. Many have sought the Lord for a “spirit of Truth” in the study of the Bible. Not realizing that He is all Truth, Grace, Life and the Way to God. Which also makes Him the Living Covenant of promise or the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31. We're to become Christocentric ones or “Christians” the Christ ones who have become filled with the ontological essence of Christ's Spirit and sons of God in that God rules His house or family from within them in accord with John chapter 17 and the Lord's prayer there found.

If this is not the case with us then we are but strangers or outsiders even though we may have entered redemption wherein we're given the right to become a son we're still an outsider until we become a son. The whole of scripture will remain confused to us until such time that the Holy Spirit is allowed to be all that He is to be as our teacher, trainer, tutor, helper and guide. This happens without our conscience knowing and may require sometime for us to acquirer (trusting) but with others may happen instantaneously (faith). But no matter how long, it will happen, because it is God's Will that all come to faith and thereby become a son of God through Christ Jesus. All requires our becoming Christ-ones or “Christians” but with this one major difference we're actually counted as having been in Christ through the Lord's Supper, Garden prayers, judgment by wicked religionist and governmental men, death, burial, resurrection and ascension when He took His captives and blood into the Holiest of Holiest and presented us and them to God through His blood. The mystery of Christ herein revealed. Then returned to teach His disciples from the Old Testament about Himself as it spoke of Him throughout, which each of the gospel records a test to. Then after which time He was taken back into the heavens as Acts records in chapter one. This we'll reveal elsewhere as John and Paul witnesses to.

Rev 1:4-6
“John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you, and peace, from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits
(the disposition or influence which fills and governs the soul, especially of those who have passed through and into salvation) which are before His throne; And from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness (those who after His example have proved the strength and genuineness of their faith in Christ by undergoing a violent death), the first begotten of the dead (the point from which all mere mankind starts, separated from God), and the prince of the kings of the earth. To Him that loves us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood (this term means that we're to passed through in like manner His death, burial, resurrection and ascension, 1 Cor. 15:3-4), And has made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him glory and dominion for ever and ever.” Amen

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