Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

We are about to end the prayer of Paul for our benefit in growing in the full knowledge of Christ. This prayer began at verse 3 and continues to the end of verse 20 within these verses we find that Paul encourages us to progress in the acquiring of the knowledge and preeminence of Christ. And the fact that Christ Jesus was and is the expressed image of God as our creator. And as such when we understand this secret, that we were created in Him, that we will find it easier to understand that though we are on earth our true home as a member of a family unit is in heaven. Where we as heirs are seated at the Fathers right hand, the seat of power within Christ Jesus.

Continuing with the Seven-Fold Prayer of Paul for Us of Colossians

Jesus Christ the Creator God Who is Incomparable

Colossians 1:20

"And having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him (the One Who finished His work and ours by faith on the cross through which we are) to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven."
In other words again, where does that put Christ? In the preeminence. Everything is under His control. Everything as we saw back in one of these earlier verses were created for His pleasure. You and I were created for His pleasure by Him. So the whole idea of the work of the cross was to grant us justification to give, establish us in peace with God, and to reconcile us to Him, and we call that reconciliation. Reconciliation is not Salvation but is Redemption. Because Redemption in reconcile, is what draws us near, this being “off” or “away from”, reversal, separation from a thing, departure, cessation, to compound a difference. This is the work of Redemption and the sole purpose of what the Holy Spirit as our trainer, teacher and tutor prepares us to receive by way of divine illumination or revelation upon which Jesus said that His Church and Body would be built.
The true Greek meaning for reconciliation: is to turn from something totally in the opposite direction. A lot of times we speak of reconciliation in married couples who may have marriages simply on the rocks. But hopefully if they can bring that estranged husband or wife back together, we call that reconciliation. They’ve turned from their self direction in going apart from each other and have turned 180 degrees and come back together. Well that is exactly what God has done with us. Everyone of us as a believer have been reconciled to God. We were going away from Him, we had no thought for Him or no love for Him, but there came a time when all of a sudden the power of God just literally hooked us didn’t it? He brought us to Himself, and in the process of that He reconciled us to Himself. The best portion of Scripture to define that is found in 2Corinthians chapter 5, beginning with verse 17.
Before I do lets look at the little clause “or things in heaven” as some practical, earthy people have read this to mean that Christ took His Blood into the heavens to cleans them of the residue of sin or dust from the earth caused when Satan hit it. When in the time of his being thrown out, cast down, of heaven itself. I did not say this in a manor to disparage or demean any one because for a short time I to believed that way also.  Spiritually speaking this could only mean the ones who in the past had died and were now in the heavenliest. These souls required the sprinkling of the Lord's Blood to cleans them. This He did while in the bowls of the earth during the day and night that He was there in Abraham's bosom.  As few of them were of Hebrew origin, they were composed mostly Gentiles for all mankind is born in sin. They too needed gown's made white by the Blood of the Lamb. For in Revelation chapter 7 the souls here spoken of are washed in the blood of Christ and not by the righteousness of Christ which is what we are washed in. It might be added that “the great tribulation” there mentioned is both that which we're born into and that which will yet be. 2Corinthians chapter 5 dropping down to verse 17.
2Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, (he’s in the Body of Christ, the True Church) he is a new creature: (creation, he's now the righteousness of Christ) old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." This does not need any comment it is self explanatory.
2Corinthians 5:18a
"And all things are of God,…"
Why? Because He is the Creator of everything. You know we’ve studied about Joseph in Egypt it never struck us quite so hard as it has this time, that all those bad things that happened to young Joseph. What did Joseph tell those brothers over and over. "God was in it!" See! this is what we have to realize even for us as believers today, not one moment of our life is without God’s awareness and control. Especially when we have become His again. We’re in His control. God is above everything and this is what we have to understand. Even the bad things, God is in it, to fulfill His own purposes. And to renounce His workings is to make light of both our redemption and the salvation into which He wants us to come.
In the story of Joseph of course, it was so evident. Had Joseph not been sold into slavery, had he could not have ended up the second man in Egypt. Jacob and the other sons wouldn’t have had the opportunity to go and cash in on the granaries of Egypt. But since Joseph was there and had the grain, the family survived. And that’s why Joseph said, "You didn’t do it. God did it!" Now that’s hard for us to comprehend isn’t it? You’ve heard me say before that one of the hardest things to comprehend is that when God began this whole system of the human race, and He set Adam as a free moral agent and then woman who became Eve only after the fall. When they were sent out of the garden they had free will, and He did the same thing with the nations through them. And so men and nations have been coming through human history through great tribulations and the making their own decisions pretty much. There is no puppet on a string involved whatsoever. And yet, here we are 6,000 years removed and where are we in God’s timetable? Right on the minute! The whole world, after 6,000 years is exactly where God blueprinted it. And yet He never took away the freedom from men and nations to pretty much do as they thought they wanted to do. It’s amazing isn’t it? It's the same way here.
2Corinthians 5:18a
"And all things are of God,…."
Don’t ever stop and try to tell me, "Oh, there’s to many people for God to keep track of." Listen, there are more stars out there, as I mentioned, and none of them ever bump into each other. There are far more stars to keep track of than there are people. And that’s why the Scripture can even bring it on down that he knows the number of hairs on the head of every individual. So don’t ever limit God. Don’t ever say, "Well He doesn’t know about me." Oh, yes! He does.
2Corinthians 5:18
"And all things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by (through or in) Jesus Christ, and hath given us the ministry of reconciliation."
In other words as we were going away from God, He in His Mercy and Grace just literally brought us back to Himself.

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