Monday, September 30, 2019

The saga of "The Secret of GOD", as revealed in James, Peter 1&2 and John 1-3; from a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

An introduction to our living by grace coupled with GOD'S Faith. As known through Abraham and Isaac. Again making use of the Mirror Study Bible.

"‘Grace’ has been twisted into a distorted band-aid remedy by the ideas of man. Jesus came revealing the grace and truth (reality) of heaven; not some fire insurance policy from hell with a life long re-payment plan. We were taught that ‘grace’ was given to us degenerate scumbags who were deserving only of eternal torment in God’s eyes. Grace was taught to us as a ‘lens’ by which God could finally stand to have us in his presence ONLY because he was now looking THROUGH Jesus to see us. I known many who have post traumatic grace disorder after how it’s been distortedly ‘applied’ to us like a bandage covering which only further verifies our ‘total depravity’ in the eyes of a distant, disgruntled record keeping deity.
Grace is an empowerment that is given not in spite of us- but comes in the authentic blueprint of all we were equipped with and expressed through Origin-ally. Grace is what Jesus lived out of when the whole world turned against him. Because he knew nothing could separate him from his 'Source'... no one could even be seen as a threat or enemy in his eyes.
Grace isn’t reactive; It doesn’t see how others act first and then re-act accordingly. Grace responds from what it knows about itself (always), and never bases its actions in a reciprocal way. True grace has absolutely nothing to do with us gaining a relationship or intimacy with heaven; but is heaven IN us enabling US to respond to others the same way heaven first responded to us... and that is always with favor, full acceptance, and joy.
We love... because we were first loved. That love didn’t come by us first having to ‘believe’ or ‘confession,’ of something to get it. It came (in all its glory) with the Father’s first thought of all the unique ways he could express himself and every good and perfect gift heaven has... through YOU." Written by Dave Carringer.

James the brother of Jesus:

Humanity lost and recovered, restored identity.

From the first and the last verse of James one, it appears that James sets his teaching up against the sense of a lost identity: the twelve scattered tribes, and the widows and orphans.
To lose your land of heritage or your immediate family would be the greatest and most challenging test or temptation anyone can face: "to forget what manner of person you are." (James 1:24, Deuteronomy 32:18)

As the flesh-and-blood brother of Jesus, there was a time when neither he nor any of his family believed in Jesus. (John 7:5) It was only after the resurrection when Jesus appeared to him that the truth dawned in him, that his brother Jesus was indeed the one who all the rumors and prophetic pointers throughout time said he was! Jesus is GOD unveiled in humanity's flesh, the incarnate Word, who redeemed humanity's lost identity by his death and resurrection! James' eyes were opened to this fact, that neither Jesus nor he began in Mary's womb! 1Corinthians 15:7.

Man began in GOD! We are not merely the desire of a parent, we are the desire of GOD! Humanity shares a common origin, the boulomai, the affectionate desire and deliberate resolve of GOD, the Father of spirits and the Father of lights with whom there is no distortion or hidden agenda. The unveiling of humanity's redemption also reveals our true genesis; we are GOD'S personal invention. We are anouthen, from above. We are perfect and complete and lacking in nothing. GOD'S Sabbath is the celebration of our perfection, both by design and redemption. "Evert good and perfect gift comes from above, (anouthen) from the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness and no shadow due to change, he brought us forth by the Word of truth."

Next we shall, the LORD willing, look at "Born from Above."

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