Monday, January 27, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter of chapter 9-1, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Now that we have read and seen the Shepherd-Messengers workings designed to draw rebellious and unbelieving humanity to the point of awakening as from a deep and deadly sleep, with what seems to be of no effect. What comes next, this in answered in chapter 10. But now we shall look at the extended notes of chapter 9, that are as follows: The "Fallen Star" is The bright Morning Star," The Bottomless Pit, and Idols and demons of man's own imagination and making...

The Fallen Star is the Bright Morning Star!

Revelation 9:1 When the [1]fifth Shepherd-Messenger blew his trumpet, I saw a [2]star that had fallen to earth from the sky. The star was given the key to the shaft into the fathomless depths of the Abyss. ( Now before I get into the authors notes I want to share this. Jesus was this very angel here described as witnessed by Matthew 27:51-54 and Paul's reference to Jess taking captivity captive. For it required the key to this pit into which Jesus descended just after His and humanity's co-dead in His flesh. While doing this He was in the deepest of man's despair of hell imaginable where He left ours before proclaiming the gospel of Salvation to Adam and indeed all who were therein being held. Okay now for the author notes: The [1]symbolic value of the number five is divine grace. (This is seen in Psalm 119 as with each new subject break is a Hebrew alphabet letter revealed.) Jesus is the bright [2]Morning Star, Rev. 2:28 and 22:16, I am Jesus. I sent My Shepherd-Messengers to be witness of these things to you before the churches, confirming to them that I am the Root and offspring of David, the radiant Morning Star! Also 2Peter 1:19, For us the appearing of the Messiah is no longer a future promise but a fulfilled reality. Now it is your turn to have more than a second-hand, hearsay testimony. Take my word as one would take a lamp at night; The day is about to dawn for you in your own understanding. When the Morning Star appears, (from within) you, you no longer need the lamp; This will happen shortly on the horizon of your own hearts. (For me this took place when I was about ten years of age, by this way. I was sitting in a Sunday schoolroom setting, wondering where the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit where and who they were. When out from the middle of my chest came this little orb of light, it moved outward, then stopped and as I looked at it it grew in size to about that of a softball, then it returned to where had came from, my chess. At ten years of age that would have been in 1957 for me.)

In His death, Jesus conquered the underworld and He has the keys; No-one else does! Rev. 1:18. Look at Philippians 2:6-10; Ephesians 1:20-21, His being GOD'S equal in from and likeness was official; His Sonship did not steal the limelight from His Father! Neither did His humanity distract from the deity of GOD! His mission however, was not to prove His deity, but to embrace our own humanity. Emptied of His reputation as God, He fully embraced our own physical human form; Born in our resemblance He identified Himself as the servant of our human race. His Agape enslaved Him to us! And so we have the drama of the cross in context: the man Jesus Christ who is fully GOD, becomes fully man to the extent of willingly dying humanity's death at the hands of His creation. He embraced the curse and shame of the lowest kind in dying a criminal's death. (This thru the doorway of humanity's death He then descended into out hellish darkness.) From this place of utter humiliation, GOD exalted His to the highest rank. GOD graced Jesus with a Name that is far above every other name. The name of Jesus endorses His mission as fully accomplished! He is the Savior of the world! Titus 2:1. What His name unveils will persuade every creature of their redemption! Every knee in heaven and upon the earth and under the earth shall bow in spontaneous worship!....Do you want to measure the mind and muscle of GOD? Consider the force which He unleashed in Jesus Christ when He raised Him (and us in a co-factor) from the dead and forever seated Him (and us) enthroned as His executive authority in the realm of the heavenliest. Jesus is GOD'S right hand of power! He was raised up from the deepest dungeons of human despair to the highest region of the heavens bliss! [See Eph. 2:5-6 & 4:8-9] Infinitely above all the combined forces of rule, authority, dominion or governments; He is ranked superior to any name that could ever be given to anyone of this age or any age still to come in the eternal future.

Numbers 24:17, I see Him, but not here and now. I perceive Him, but far in the distant future. A star will rise from Jacob; A scepter will emerge from Israel. He will crush the foreheads of Moab-[false mindsets]. also Isaiah 9:2-4, For the yoke of His burden, and the staff for His shoulder, the rod of His oppressors, Thou hast broken as on the day of Midian! Remember Gideon's strategy of hiding lamps in clay jars when they defeated the mighty Midians who out-numbered them by far! Bonsai mindsets have trapped the nations of the world for centuries! But this is the day where the mystery that was hidden in clay pots for ages and generations will be revealed! Christ in the nations is the lamp and hope and deepest of desires of the nations!

Revelation 22:16, I am Jesus. I sent My Shepherd-Messengers to be witness of these things to you before the churches; Confirming to them that I am the Root and offspring of David, the radiant Morning Star! (Rev. 5:5-6, 1:17-18: Then one of the Elders said to me, "You need not weep anymore! Look! The Lion has conquered! He who is of the tribe of Judah, the root of David! His triumphed, has qualified Him to open the scroll and its seven seals!" Rev. 5:5-6, So I looked to see the Lion, and there, as if fused into one with the Throne and in unison with the four living beings, taking center stage in the midst of the Elders, I was a little Lamb, alive and standing even though it seemed to have been violently butchered in sacrifice! It had seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven Spirits of GOD having been sent out to accomplish His bidding  in all the earth.

In Jesus, the prophetic word, which shone all along like a lamp in the night, becomes the radiant Morning Star, rising in our hearts, announcing the full unveiling of the day! When the Morning Star [phosphoros] appears, you no longer need the lamp; This will happen shortly on the horizon of your hearts. In His death Jesus conquered the underworld and He has the keys; No-one else does! Rev. 1:17-18, Observing all this I fell at His feet like a dead man; Then He laid His right hand on me and said, 'Do not be afraid! I am the origin and conclusion of all things. And the Living One; I became dead and now, see, here I am alive unto the ages of the ages and I have the keys wherewith I have disengaged the gates of Hades and Death! See Isaiah 14:12, (H1966) הֵילֵל, heilel, means "shining one." In the Greek, phosphoros - bearer of light [Septuagint] Latin, bearer of light!) (The Mirror, with editing.)

In our next visit, the LORD willing, we shall look at the notes on "the bottomless pit - the abyss."
Now may the LORD increase our capacity to receive of His being and revelation.

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