Friday, January 31, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter of chapter 9-5, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are now at the last of the notes on chapter 9 written by the author of the Mirror Study Bible. The topic of this section is "Idols and Demons of man's Imagination," picking it up with verse 20 of chapter 2.

Revelation 2:20 It disturbs me that you accommodate the typical Jezebel influence, a self-appointed Prophetess who teaches My devoted friends into participating in an [2]idolatrous sacrificial system by eating food offered to [3]idols and fornicating with her foreign ideas about God. (The word, [1, G1401 from G1210 deō, to bind] doulos, bond-servant or slave; also a devoted friend, is from deo, to be bound to another in friendship or marriage. The word, [2, G14494 a compound of G1497 and a presumed derivative of G2380] eidolonthuton, is from (G1497) eidolon, image, a heathen god, and (G2380) thuo, to slay in sacrifice. The word, [3, G1497] eidolon, is where we get the word idol from means image or likeness - this is the theme of the Bible and redemption; The image and likeness of GOD revealed and redeemed in human form! Idolatry is a projection of an image of one's own making. (Of which man's religions all promote by their many ceremonies and religious holy days.) Idolatry is the crux of religion - it is expensive business since our idol is like a slot machine at the casino (churches)! It remains hungry and it is wired to bite and bankrupt you!)

Revelation 13:14 Deceiving the earth-dwellers, dazzling them with signs, whilst operating like a puppet on a string under the watchful eye of the Beast. The instruction was for the earth-dwellers to make an [1]idol-image of the "lamb" who was slain with a [1]knife and then revived again! (The word [1, G1504 from G1503 eikō, a primary verb meaning through the idea of faintness as a copy] eikon means image or likeness - this is the theme of the Bible and Redemption; where the image and likeness of GOD reveals our redeemed human form! Idolatry is a projection of an image of one's own making. Idolatry is the crux of religion - it is expensive business since our idol is like a slot machine at a casino! It remains hungry and it is wired to bite and bankrupt us! The word, (G3162, translated as sword) machaira is used for a large knife, used for killing animals typically in the slaying of a sacrifice (We've seen them in the murdering of ISIS prisoners). Where religion has a life of it's own - the idea was that since the Dragon has lost its accusation claim or powers against the human race in the heavenliest, [Rev. 12:8-10] it now has to find a pseudo, make-belief future existence in the icons of man's imagination.)

1John 5:19-21 We know that we have our origin in GOD; Yet the whole world [1]lies trapped in the blindfold-mode of a lost identity; Intoxicated by the ponderous system of a futile mentality of hardships labors and annoyances! (The word, (G2749) keimai, means to lie prostrate, outstretched; buried.) This is what has become distinctly clear to us: the [1]coming of the Son of GOD is GOD'S mission accomplished! He is the incarnate Christ. The moment all of Scripture pointed to has arrived! The Son is [1]present! In Him GOD has given us the greatest gift, [2]a mind whereby we may know His who is true! Humanity is fully included and located in Him, in His Son Jesus Christ; This means that whatever Jesus is as Son, we are! This is the true GOD; This is the Life of the ages! ( The word, [1, G2240] heko, means to have come, to have arrived, to be present. John uses the word [2, G1271, translated understanding, from G1223 and G3563] dianoian, deep thought; with (G1223, a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act) dia, relating to the means by which we may know; a mind to know; compared to metanoia, to know together with; an entwining of thought; the mind of Christ.

Jesus said, 'you will know the truth as it is unveiled in Me, and that will set you free!'

The culmination of the gospel according to John is summed up in these verses: John 14:20, where Jesus says, "'In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you are in Me and I am in you!'" Also in 1John 2:7-8, "what is true of Him, is equally true in us." Then in 1John 4:17, "As He is, so are we in this world! Our lives are mirrored in Him! as well as here in 1John 5:20) This defeats every image of our imagination that could possibly compete with the authentic likeness of our design! Darling children, distance yourselves from every substitute image, which is what idolatry is all about! (The word, [1, G1497] eidolon, is often translated idol, refers ro image or likeness.

In the symbolic language of the book of Revelation, the judgment of the Dragon, the Beast and the Whore; the counterfeit Trinity, is not judgment against an entity, but against a corrupt mindset-system. A virus doesn't have a life of its own - it needs a host!

Microbiology Professor, Vincent Racaniello writes, "Life is 'an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction.' Viruses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on their own they can do nothing until they enter a living cell. Without cells, viruses would not be able to multiply. Therefore, viruses are not living things.")

1Corinthians 8:4-6 "By making a fuss about eating food offered to idols gives idols undue prominence; They are nothing so why make something out of nothing! We know that there is only one GOD and that He has no competition! There is a lot of talk about other gods and demonic powers operating on earth as well as in the heavenly realm; Obviously they seem to be empowered by people's belief in them and conversation about them; So there seem to be many gods "lording" it over people. This does not make them competition to GOD; We know that for us there is only One GOD who is the source of all things; There is only one authority, the Lord Jesus Christ. All things exist because of Him; We owe our very being to Him. He alone gives context and reference to our lives."

See the notes on Armageddon at the end of chapter 16. (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now for my own witness to the things seen and read above. Back in the 80's about 85-86 my wife and I were impressed by inspiration to "come out from among them." This we did not understand and so we carried on as normal for many years, until again we both were again impressed, "to come out from among them," while reading about father Abram and his coming out from among those of his own family, when the lights came on. This was about 2005-2006 when 2Corinthians 6:11-7:3 became active within us, and then we pulled the plug in 2007. It was then that all things came into there appointed time of being just as spoken of above. And we became the 8 of mans first beginning and origin. And it is why I do what I do and say what I say in this post and blog.

Now may the LORD of all become your LORD!

Our next visit shall begin chapter 10.

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