Sunday, July 5, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ,some thoughts on a few subjects part 1c of 3, hidden insights, as seen with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Reaching our end of a deep look again into the "Thought on Judgment and The Resurrection," the Master Plan of GOD, that the religious world hide for nearly 2500-3000 years now. But Now is the time for a great "revival" or what I prefer to call a Greater Awakening to GOD in our human form, as spoken so clearly of by Jesus. And Now when the blinders and veil have been lifted as Jesus was lifted from the earth and through it began to draw ALL humanity to Himself, as He spoke of ever so Boldly.

Thoughts on Judgment and The Resurrection:

Romans 5:8, 12-21, Hebrews 9:24-28 (Paraphrased), "Herein is the extremity of GOD's Agape gift: Humanity was rotten to the core when Christ died our death....One person opened the door to sin. Sin introduced (spiritual sleep, a form of death, though not of separation) death. Both sin and (spiritual sleep equates to) death had a global impact. No one escaped its tyranny. The (Mosaic) Law did not introduce sin (it played off of it by revealing it.) Sin was just not pointed out yet. In the mean time (spiritual sleep's) death dominated from Adam to Moses, (some 2500 year before the Law was given) no one was excluded; Even those whose transgression were different from Adam's (with few exceptions men like Enoch who walked with GOD, and was no more were the exceptions). The fact is that Adam's offense set sin into motion, and its mark was globally transmitted and stained the entire human race. The only similarity in the comparison between the offense and the gift, is that both Adam and Christ represent the masses; Their single action therefore bears global consequence. The idea of death and separation that was introduced by one person's transgression is by far superseded by the grace gift lavished on humanity in the one man Jesus Christ. (For GOD's free gift immeasurably out-weighs the transgression. For if through the transgression of the one individual the masses of humanity have died, infinitely greater is the generosity wherewith GOD's grace, and the gift given in His Grace which found expression in the one man Jesus Christ, have been bestowed on the masses of humanity. ----Weymouth, 1912) The difference between the two men is further emphasized in that judgment and condemnation followed a single offense, whereas the free gift of total acquittal and righteousness followed innumerable sins. If (spiritual sleep as kind of) death saw the gap in one sin, and grabbed the opportunity to dominate humanity because of one, how much more the many, we now seize the advantage to reign in righteousness in this life through that one act of Christ, who declared us innocent by His grace. Grace is out of all proportional superiority to any transgression. The conclusion is clear: it took just one offense to condemn humanity; One act of righteousness to declare the same humanity innocent. ("We see then, that as one act of sin exposed the whole race of humanity to condemnation, so one act of perfect righteousness presents all humanity freely acquitted in the sight of GOD!" J.B. Phillips) The disobedience of the one [1]exhibits humanity as sinners; The obedience of another man (as the second Adam, 1Cor. 15:22, 45) exhibits humanity as righteous. ([1, G2525, is from G2596 and G2476 ] kathistēmi, to cause to be, to set up, to exhibit. We were not made sinners by our own disobedience (as the corrupted church/religious world would have us to believe, is a lie); Neither were we made righteous by our own obedience.) The presence of the Mosaic Law made no difference, instead it merely highlighted the offense; For where sin increased, grace superseded it. (Spiritual sleep disguised as) death provided sin its platform and (false, fraudulent) power to reign from, Now grace has taken root over sovereignty through righteousness to introduce unthreatened life under the Lordship of Jesus Christ over (eis) us."

Hebrews 9:24-28, "In Christ we have so much more than a type reflected in the tabernacle of holy places set up by human hands. He entered into the heavenly sphere itself, where He personally represents all of humanity face to face with GOD. Neither was it necessary for Him to ever repeat His sacrifice. The High Priests under the old shadow Law system stood proxy with substitute animal sacrifices that had (no power to change the mindset/hearts so it had) to be made once a year. But Jesus did not have to suffer again and again since the [1]fall of the world; The [2]single sacrifice of Himself in the fulfillment of history Now reveals how He has brought sin to naught. (The word, [1, G2602, translated foundation, is from G2598 ] kathistēmi, means to cast down. [2]GOD's Lamb took away the sins of the world! When He was lifted up!) The same goes for everyone: a person dies only once, and then faces judgment (except those who have awakened spiritually to their identity in the Christ while Jesus hung within them and they within Him (the common denominator of the flesh or our human form). For it is they who have passed from deaths judgment into newness of life, being born again from above! (John 3:3, 7) This proven in the joint resurrection and ascension). Christ died once and faced the judgment of the entire human race! His second appearance has nothing to do with sin, but to reveal salvation for all to [1]fully embrace Him. (To fully embrace, [1, G553 is from G575 apo and G1551 ekdechomai, is from G1537 ek, and G1209 dechomai] apekdechomai, from (G575) apo, away from [that which defined me before] and (G1537) ek, out of, source; And (G1209) dechomai, to take into ones hands to accept whole heartedly, to fully embrace. In His resurrection He appeared as Savior/Redeemer of the whole world! Sin is no longer on the agenda, for the Lamb of GOD has taken away the sins of the world! Jesus Christ fulfilled humanity's need and destiny with death!") [1Cor. 15:3-5, Rom. 4:25, and Acts 17:30-31]

Note: Jesus did not come to condemn the world. The Father judges no one for He has handed over all judgment to the Son, who judged the world in righteousness when (Isaiah 53:5 of 2-6) He took our judgment in His body (our humanity). Now in His appearance in us, His body, His mission is to unveil the consequence of Redemption through the Holy Spirit. (The Mirror, with editing.)

Until our next visit when we shall the LORD willing bring this thought to a close. May the LORD of ALL bring a new awakening to the world at large, in His family name I request this. And seal it with Amen. For we become His second coming as He left, of Acts 1:7-8, 10-11; 13:34 of 32-39, 15:16 of 14-18.

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