Monday, July 6, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ,some thoughts on a few subjects part 1d of 3, hidden insights, as seen with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

This should be the last part of our look at the author's notes on the Thoughts on Judgment and the Resurrection, both of which seem to have been blended together as truly they were and are.

The Thoughts on Judgment and the Resurrection:

Many Scriptures have been translated and interpreted with only a futuristic value and have consequently neutralized their true value, like the Jews, to diligently wait for the Messiah still to come. The Messiah has come once and for all as Messiah. Jesus appeared again after His resurrection and Now His Resurrection Life in us as His Body, the Ekklesia, is the extension of H second coming/appearance; GOD making his appeal to an already reconciled world to "be reconciled!" [Acts 3:26, 2Cor. 5:19-20] The (false, deceptive church composed of mans gross imagination, known as religion based on doctrines of man and led by the false trinity) church continues to postpone this reality that GOD introduced in Christ. We are already fully represented in His Righteousness/Blamelessness! The second coming as a doctrine is not in context of these chapters at all! [see 1Pet. 1:10-13] The Aramaic word, maranatha, means our LORD has come!

1Thessalonians 2:19, "WE expect nothing less in the context of the gospel than you enjoying a face to face encounter in the [1]immediate presence of our Lord Jesus Christ! This is our delight and wreath of honor! ( The word [1, G1715 emprosthen, presence, in front of, is from G1722 en, and G4314 pros, these are from Strong's] parousia speaks of the immediate presence of the LORD! From para, a preposition indicating close proximity, a thing proceeding from a sphere of influence, with a suggestion of union of place of residence, to have sprung from its author and giver, originating from, denoting the point from which an action originates, intimate connection; And eimi, I am! There is not even a hint of judgment or punishment in this word! Please do not believe everything you read in the Strong's! "G3952 parousia is from the present Participle of G3918 pareimi, to be near, (from G3844 and G1510) advent; Often, return, specifically of Christ to punish Jerusalem, or finally the wicked."!!??)

Because of images and idols of our own imagination of a schizophrenic, monster god, we have Bible translations to endorse that outlook! If 2Cor. 5:10 points to a future judgment, then v 11 makes sense! "We persuade people by the terror of GOD!" Wow! And 3 verses later Paul is constrained by the Agape of Christ! Jesus is the expressed image of GOD, the radiance of His beauty! he has made the invisible GOD visible! He is the Father of lights with whom there is no shadow due to compromise; There is no dark side to GOD! Paul is not one day motivated by terror of GOD and the next day by His Agape!

2Corinthians 5:14-16, Romans 4:25 and Revelation 5:13, "The love of Christ [1]resonates within us and leaves us with only one conclusion: Jesus died humanity's death; Therefore, in GOD's logic every individual simultaneously died." ( The word, [1, G4912 from G4862 sun, and G2192 echo] sunecho, is from (G4862) sun, meaning together with and (2192) echo, meaning to echo, to hold, and thus translated, to resonate (the KJV+ has, constraineth G4912) Jesus didn't die 99% or for 99%. he died humanity's death 100%! If Paul had to compromise the last part of verse 14 to read: "one died for all therefore only those who follow the prescriptions to qualify, have also died," then he would have has to change the first half of the verse as well! Only the love of Christ can make a calculation of such enormous proportion! The religious mind would question the extremity of GOD's Agape and perhaps prefer to add a condition or two to a statement like that! Seeing everyone equally valued in Christ does not lessen one's passion to communicate Christ effectively, it greatly increases it!) Now if all were included in His death they were equally included in His resurrection. This unveiling of His Agape redefines human life! Whatever reference we could have of ourselves outside of our association with Christ is no longer relevant. This is radical, and our most defining moment! no label that could possibly previously identify someone carries any further significance! Even our pet doctrines of Christ are redefined. Whatever we knew about Him historically or sentimentally is challenged by this conclusion." (By discovering Christ from GOD's point of view! Paul saw by revelation/internal inspiration that what Jesus redeemed in every person brings absolute closure and death to any other reasoning's and judgement we may have had of ourselves or anyone else for that matter! This is our metanoia moment! "From now on therefore, we no longer know anyone according to the flesh, even though we once knew Christ from a human and religious point of view.")

Romans 4:25, Here is the equation: His Cross = our sins; His resurrection = our innocence! (Our sins resulted in His death; Our righteousness (restored) resulted in His Resurrection. His resurrection is the receipt to our acquittal. Why was He raised from the dead? Because of, dia, we were justified, sanctified, purified! His resurrection reveals our righteousness! If we were still guilty after Jesus died, His resurrection would neither have been possible nor relevant! This explains Acts 10:28 and 2Corinthians 5:14 and 16. And in Acts 17:31, "because GOD had fixed a day on which He would judge the world righteous [innocent] by a man whom He had appointed, and of this he has given proof to all humanity by raising Him from the dead.")

Revelation 5:13, "And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the seas, and all therein, saying, "To Him who sits on the Throne and to the Lamb be blessings and honor and glory and might for ever and ever!" (The Mirror, with editing.)

In our next visit we shall the LORD willing begin a look at, "Thoughts on the "POWER" of the Blood." Until then may the LORD bring the earth His Revelation like never before. Amen!

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