Wednesday, July 8, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ,some thoughts on a few subjects part 2a of 3, hidden insights, as seen with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are looking at the thoughts on the "Power" of the Blood, that was spilled on humanity's behalf, and the shear fact that it was both innocent and righteous. And how this effects us of the Ekklesia today some 2000 plus years away from its being spilled. Picking the thoughts up at 1Peter 1.

Thoughts on the "Power" of the Blood:

1Peter 1:18-21, 2Corinthians 5:18, Hebrews 6:16-17, "It is clear to see that we were ransomed from the futile, fallen mindset that we inherited from our fathers, not by the currency of our own labors, represented by the fluctuating values of gold and silver, and the economy of religious efforts; But we were redeemed with the priceless blood of Christ; He is the ultimate sacrifice; Spotless and without blemish. He completed the prophetic picture! (In Him GOD speaks the most radical scapegoat language of the Law of judgment, and brought its final closure to a dead and redundant system! In Psalm 40:6-7, it is clearly stated that GOD does not require sacrifice or offerings! Jesus is the Lamb of GOD! He collides victoriously with the futile sacrificial system whereby offerings are constantly made to the pseudo, moody, monster gods of our own imaginations! This is the scandal of the cross! GOD does not demand a sacrifice that would change the way He thinks about humanity; He provided the sacrifice of Himself as Christ in order to forever eradicate sin-consciousness from our minds and radically change the way we think about our Maker, one another and ourselves! [Sin-consciousness is in essence a works-based consciousness.] GOD did not clothe Adam with the skin of a slain animal because of a divine need to be appeased, but because of Their unconditional Agape for Adam; They spoke the language of Adam's own self judgment: Adam, not GOD looked at Adam differently, but to make Adam feel better about himself! Ultimately it was to prophetically prepare Adam for the unveiling of the mystery of humanity's redemption in the incarnation. Here Deity would clothe Themselves in humanity's skin, in a son; And the Lion of Judah, was borne, and would become the Lamb of GOD (as first seen by Enoch and written of by Jasher, meaning many), in order to free our minds to re-discover His redeemed image and likeness within our being! see 1Peter 1:2) He was always destined in GOD's prophetic thought; GOD knew even before the [1]fall of the world order that His son would be the Lamb, to be made manifest in these last days, because of us! (You are the reason Jesus died and was raised! The word, [1, G2598 is from G2596 kata, down and G906 ballō is a verb, to throw] katabalo, means "to fall away, to put in a lower place," instead of (G2310) themeliso, meaning "foundation" [see Eph 2:20]; thus, translated "the fall of the world," instead of "the foundation of the world.") He is the conclusive cause of our belief in GOD. Seeing then how perfectly we fit into the scheme of things, it is no wonder that our faith in GOD's act of raising Jesus from the dead became the glorious reference to our own new birth (being our own, born again from, from above by our joint resurrection and joint ascension)! The glory that GOD gave Jesus by raising Him from the dead, is the conclusion of everything that our faith longs for!" (This is the redemption of glory that the Prophets pointed to! And Hosea in 6:2 spoke of saying, "After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up!" (Now this passage has a duel roll as it applies to both Deity and humanity, in the use of the word "us" or is it "Us" meaning Deity, just as "Them" and "Their" mean Deity.) Isaiah 40:5, "And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together!")

2Corinthians 5:18, "The idea of humanity's co-inclusion in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is entirely GOD's doing! To now realize that GOD has indeed brought final closure to the Old and for us to see everything and everyone in this new light is to simply see what GOD has always known to be true about us in Christ; We are not debating human experience, opinion, or our own contribution; This is exactly what GOD believes. In Jesus Christ, GOD [1]exchanged equivalent value to redeem us to Himself. He went to the highest extreme in this action of reconciliation to persuade us of our original worth! This GOD has given us as the mandate of our ministry." (The word, [1, G2644 is from G2596 kata, down, and G236 allassō , from G243 allos, to make different] katallassō, translates as reconciliation; It is a mutual exchange of equal value. This transaction was not to buy us back from "the devil;" A thief never becomes an owner; It was GOD redeeming our minds from the lie that we believed of ourselves - reconciliation is the bold unveiling of the value of the hidden treasure in everyone of us! 2Cor. 4:7 and Mat. 13:44, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in an agricultural field, which a man found and covered up; Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys the entire field." There is so much more to us than what meets the eye!)

Hebrews 6:16-17, "It is common practice in human affairs to evoke a higher authority under an oath in order to add weight to any agreement between parties, thereby [1]silencing any possibility of quibbling. (The word, [1, G4009] peras, means the end of all dispute; The point beyond which one cannot go.) In the same context we are confronted with GOD's eagerness to go to the last extreme in His dealings with us as heirs of His promise, and to cancel out all possible grounds for doubt or dispute. In order to persuade us of the unalterable character and finality of His resolve, He [1]confined Himself to an oath. The promise which already belonged to us by heritage is Now also confirmed under oath." (The word, [1, G3316 is from G3319 mesos] mesitēo, is used, interposed or mediated. Compare mesiteo, mediator, from (G3319) mesos, midst. In the incarnation, GOD had positioned Himself in the midst, of His creation. see Galatians 3:20, "With Abraham there was no middleman; It was just GOD! [The Mosaic law required mediators, the Levitical priesthood] because it was an arrangement whereby humanity had a part and GOD had a part. Humanity's part was to obey the commandments and GOD's part was to bless. GOD's covenant with Abraham was a "Grace Covenant" pointing to the man Jesus Christ, in whom GOD Himself would fulfill humanity's part and therefore needed no mediator apart from Himself.

The Word is the promise; The Incarnate, crucified and risen Christ is the proof. He desired to show more convincingly to the heirs (of the redeemed world of humanity) of the promise (Gen. 3:15) the unchangeable character of His purpose. --RSV

Humanity was not redeemed from the devil; A thief never ever becomes an owner; Neither did Jesus do what He did to change His Father's mind about us! It was our minds that require persuasion! GOD was not to be reconciled to His creation; GOD was in Christ when He reconciled the world to Himself! 2Cor. 5:18-20.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

With our next visit the LORD willing we shall begin our look at "Thoughts on the word Proskuneo - often translated, worship." Until then may the LORD show us all what worship is.

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