Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Continuing with Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. Part 5i.8d

     Continuing with our thoughts on Ezekiel 36:26-27 shared in my last post. Doing things this way seems to help to keep things moving and shortened.

As I noted in that post the New Covenant is a Holy Spirit and Grace Covenant (marriage of style) as apposed to the OT / OC based on the Mosaic Law of Condemnation. Jesus was a human like you and me and after his being dunked into the living water, of a flowing river, he was filled as we are with the Holy Spirit as promised and spoken of by Zechariah in chapter 4 verses 6-7, which we looked at in 8b. Where we discovered that life now consists of the Holy Spirit within us as grace is a product of His presences within us. So we can effectively say that living by the Grace of GOD and walking by the Spirit are two different perspectives of a Spirit life, having the same reality. The passage  of Zechariah confirms this point of view. The LORD gave Zerubbabel how to service is rendered to GOD. When He said, 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' in other words Human might and power will never be our sufficiency nor a resource for live life as GOD intended. The Holy Spirit must supply what ever is needed by us for life in the LORD.

This great truth was restated in the very next verse but in slightly different terms. Where the LORD addressed the mountain of impossibility that stood before Zerubbabel. In this way, "'Who are you, O great mountain?'" For he had been given a challenge and a mission to reestablish the witness of GOD in Jerusalem. Even with this obstacle facing him GOD declared this mountain would become a highway for advancement and a great plain. But only by His Holy Spirit, he would one day place the final stone, capstone with a exclamation and shouts of "Grace, grace to it!" Proving GOD'S Spirit was the means that brought it all together as promised. So it's our relationship between grace and the Holy Spirit restored within us that makes it all work.

It's not brick and mortar or even stones of the Law but by My Spirit says the LORD. John 6:63 states, 'It is the spirit that quickens; The flesh profits nothing: the words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life.' It is the Spirit who gives life. This truth coupled with 2Corninthians 3:6 makes this all come clear and in the right perspective: "Who? GOD has made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter (of damnation), but of the Spirit: for the letter kills (it's only strength), but the Spirit gives life." 

Another key is "blood and water." This we may look at later.

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