Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CIII

Hebrews 4:16a
"Let us therefore…"

We love the way Paul uses therefore over and over and over throughout his letters. We guess the first one that comes to mind is Romans 8:1

Romans 8:1
"There is therefore
(that’s right, Therefore, because of all that Paul had written in those first 7 chapters of Romans, there is therefore) no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,…"

In other words to those who have come by faith + nothing into salvation. Oh, the world thinks it’s trusting plus some works, you know, do this and do that. Fulfill this little prescribed rituals, and fulfill this little operation and then you can have eternal life. No, no. It’s FAITH + NOTHING! But be sure it’s trusting in the right place. It’s faith in that finished work of the cross, that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose from again, + nothing else. You are to believe that in your heart for salvation. Even James tells us to be a doer of the Word and NOT a hearer only. Alright, now then, verse 16 of Hebrews chapter 4 again.

Hebrews 4:16
"Let us therefore
(because of the High Priest that we have, because He has passed into the heavens, He’s not someplace on earth. We don’t have to go to some headquarters, nor even to any denominational headquarters. We don’t have to go someplace in order to get into the right mood and mode for prayer, but rather we can:

Hebrews 4:16b
"…come boldly to the throne of grace,…"

Now we just went back and had to look up some of the Greek and some of the commentaries. Do you know what that word boldly means? Just exactly like you get it on the first impression. We go into the throne room without any apology. We don’t have to say, "Well now Lord here I am. You know I really don’t have any right to ask you this." No. We are instructed; we are commanded to go, to come boldly into His presence. Now why? Because again it just affirms what a great salvation we have. Now if we didn’t have this great a salvation, we couldn’t go boldly into God’s presence, but we can with anything that we want to approach Him with.

We can go into the throne room of heaven boldly, without any excuse, without begging, without any doubt, knowing that He knows, He knows everyone of us by name. And we don’t have to introduce yourselves when we get there, because He knows who we are. He knows what you’re going to ask before we do. Alright, Oh what a precious verse we have here. We can just feed on it. As we abide in His name or have taken on His name as a wife takes on her husbands name in marriage so we have taken on the Name of Christ. When we rightly divide the Lord's Last Supper meal for in it we have the exchange from a Satan-child to that of a God-child and heir of God and joint-heir in Christ. Therefore we come boldly into the Father's presences as a son of His Love because we're identified in Christ Jesus. We're welcomed as an heir.

So, let us therefore remember all that has been coming out of these first four chapters. Don’t be like those Hebrews at Kadesh-barnea and in unbelief say "No God you can’t do it." But come with trusting faith, believing Who He is. He’s God the Son, He’s the Creator, He’s the Sustainer, He’s the One Who finished the work of redemption unto our salvation, and nobody can add anything to it. It’s done. And listen, all of Christendom is trying to add something to it, just as the Hebrews and their priests do. They’re patching on something here, and they’re sticking on something there, but remember you come into that pure unadulterated Gospel of the Grace of God, and you just believe it! When we've received it by way of inspiration of revelation it becomes ours to hold unto and the mysteries or secrets open up to us. They then become ours and our childrens as Deuteronomy 29:29 says.

Why is it the more we proclaim this Grace of God the less people want to hear it?" It’s so true, because people don’t want to hear it. They’d rather go and hear a big booming instrumental group entertain them than to hear what you’re hearing today, and you know it’s true, because that’s where the masses are and all they want is to be entertained. They want some feel-good, ear-itching stuff that they can go home and then go through the week and coast until they get another little high. But listen, we are resting on that finished work of the cross. The Christ Who has passed into the heavens. The One Who has faced every temptation that we face and consequently then, therefore, we can come boldly without any qualifications on our part to the throne of Grace.

What’s Grace? Unmerited favor! No. It's the benefit of our benefactor, its the divine blessings of Christ Jesus. Do you and I have any reason to expect something like this? No. There’s no reason God should say, "Well come on in boldly and share your needs, share your joys, share your sorrows, I’ve got an open ear." No there’s no reason for Him to do that. Except Grace. Oh how God loves to be gracious, how He loves to just give out all of His goodness. He loves to fill us with Himself, we are His temple of intercourse, of communion and praise. We're the house of prayer for all nations.

Hebrews 4:16b
"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."

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