Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part XCIX

Psalms 139:17
"How precious also are your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!"

Now we want to remember, David, according to Scripture "was a man after God’s own heart." But David wasn’t in a class all by himself, he was a king and a prophet. We’re just as much prone to be in that kind of a mindset, when we have or receive the mind of Christ. When we've become regenerated or born from above, born again.

Psalms 139:18
"If I should count them,
(that is all these precious thoughts, if I should count them) they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with you. Surely you will slay the wicked, O God: (now of course remember this is in the Old Testament economy) depart from me therefore, bloody men." Now verse 20.

Psalms 139:20
"For they speak against you wickedly, and your enemies take your name in vain."
They refuse to believe the revelation and walk upon the blood and cross of Jesus Christ in their unbelief, covetousness and lawlessness.

And so on, and on it goes, but what a gorgeous, gorgeous explanation of the Omnipotence of the God. Never lose sight of it. Even if you have to go back and read this Psalm once or twice a week and just get encouraged as well as convicted that the God of heaven, with whom we have to do, knows all about us and now dwells in us.

Alright, lets come back to Hebrews again. And so everything, not only of the human race, but of all God’s creation are manifested in His sight. Nothing happens that God isn’t aware of it. Now as we go into verse 14, we shift gears. Paul is great on that. Now all of a sudden, we go from the Omnipotent, Almighty, living God and this Epistle is that powerful, can even divide asunder soul and spirit, now all of a sudden we slip into the High Priestly role of Christ.

Hebrews 4:14a
"Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is
(now watch these next few words, that is what?) passed into the heavens,…"

Now remember in Genesis 1:1, in the beginning God created heaven and earth, and way back then we already pointed out that through all of Scripture God deals in two realms. The earthly and the heavenly. Israel was God’s earthly people, and we are to be His heavenly, spiritual people. Alright, now when Christ finished the work of the cross, rose from the dead, and ascended or passed as this Epistle of Hebrews puts it, He passed into the Heavenlies. Do you realize what that means? Up until that time, all worship, all concerns of the Word of God were primarily centered in Jerusalem, in the earthy and the material or external priesthood weren’t they? In the Temple worship and Israel. But once Jesus Christ passed into the heavens, where is now the seat and the core of all spiritual activity? Heaven. So Paul is constantly reminding us, now then as Grace Age believers that we’re not an earthly people, we’re a heavenly people, that is a spiritual people because He has passed into the heavens. He ascended gloriously into the heavens. We are ambassadors of the heavenly realm, though still on earth, we're God's witnesses here.

Alright now let’s just look at a few verses to go along with that. Come back to Ephesians, the little Book of Ephesians, in chapter 1, verse 3.

Ephesians 1:3
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings
( what blessings? where?) in heavenly places…"

Or better is the heavenlies, rather than in heavenly places. That’s the seed of everything. The heavenlies. We’re not tied to a temple worship; we’re not tied to a set of rituals here on earth, because we are heavenly or now spiritual. As we saw in just the previous verses, we are involved with God that we can come into His presence and He knows us as an individual. We’re going to see, like we said a moment ago, a little later in one of the verses where He says, "come boldly into the Throne of Grace." Now let’s look at another one over in Colossians chapter 1,

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