Friday, June 15, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part XCV

Now, the only thing we want to point out here then is that the soul and spirit are discernible so far as God is concerned. The spirit is inoperative until God comes in with the power of Redemption to begin the work of our Salvation and regenerates it. This we can see in Peters second letter as he shows the step in the process of this action, verse 10 through 13. This especially clear in the Amplified Bible. And then when His Holy Spirit comes in and dwells in us our spirit becomes one with Him, they in turn have control over the new divine nature (as we’ve explained this so often.) And then these two now as a composite (united) will have an effect on the body. The life that we live and the things that we enjoy and so on and so forth. We begin to have a change of minds, we take on the mind of Christ then was in Adam in the first, that inner being.

Alright now, we want to move on to the next part of the verse because here’s where we feel that the Word of God is so intrinsic. It is so past man’s ordinary comprehension. In other words, men couldn’t have written something like this. Who would have ever thought to compare? Now look what we're talking about. That the soul and spirit is compared to the joints and marrow.

Hebrews 4:12a
"…and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,…"

Unless you really stop and close your eyes and contemplate, what connection do the joints have with the marrow? See this shows us how far ahead of medical science the Word of God was. We’ve lost you haven’t we? Alright, stop and think. What happens in the marrow of especially our large bones? The red blood cells are manufactured! We all know that now, especially with leukemia and bone marrow transplants and so forth. The marrow is the manufacturing plant for the red blood cells, which are basically the very root of our whole being, our life. Our blood system as it carries oxygen, antioxidants and nutrients throughout our body and carries the oxidants that are harmful to the kidneys to be excreted through the bowls.

But, it doesn’t do us any good to have a blood system if we don’t have the joints. So as we were mulling this over, we just sort of put it into two categories. Now, this may not make sense to a lot of people but it did to us. We know, bone framework or skeletal frame with the joints, our fingers and all of that, how much could be accomplished if we didn’t have joints? Or if they were all stiff? How much could we do if we couldn’t bend our fingers? Nothing! How could we walk if our knees didn’t bend? How could our athletes perform if it weren’t for their joints? That’s why knee injuries just take a football player right out of the picture.

Okay, so we're going to put it this way. The joints are that which make us functional, and this is what makes us operate, but the marrow is what produces the energy to make the joints function. Does that make sense? We hope so.

So the Scripture then is saying that the soul and spirit is likened unto the joints and the marrow. The soul (the mind, the will and the emotion), that’s what makes us operative. This is what makes us function as a human being, but, just like our joints would be useless without the blood supply that is coming from the marrow, so also, our soul (our personality) is dysfunctional until the spirit is energized, it requires the working of God, the Light of Truth. Until then man serves the evil one that holds him in bondage to sin and death in fear. As a Satan-child and not, no NOT a God-child.

This is why then a lost person is just like we saw, we didn’t probably make the point, but when Israel was out of the land, and was spiritually dysfunctional, the Scripture called them what? Dead people! Or your people and NOT His people. They had been out there for so long, that it was like bones that had turned white in a Texas sun. See? Well it’s the same way with a lost or unbelieving person. The lost person, until their spirit is energized, is like someone who is functioning without any real energy. They are spiritually dead, separated from God. Now, we didn’t intend to do this but here’s a verse that comes to mind. Come back to Ephesians chapter 2, and we guess it will all fit. We sure hope it does! We think most of you know this verse or you’re at least aware of it.

Ephesians 2:1
"And you
(I always have to remind people, who does Paul always write to? Believers! Paul doesn’t write to the unbelieving world. So to the believer look what Paul says: And you) has He quickened, (or made alive, active) who were (before we were redeemed, what?) dead in trespasses and sins:"

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