Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CX

I Corinthians 15:3-4
"For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures
(absolutely, the Old Testament foretold it remember we said that the Old Testament is revealed by or in the New) And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures;"

Now that’s the Gospel we must receive and then believe in order to again receive Eternal Life. We can’t pick and choose bites and pieces or blind things together its not in parts. We can’t say, "Well I believe that He died. I believe that He was resurrected one way or another. But I can’t believe He was dead for three days." See that? We take it all in or we’ve got nothing. But when we believe that Christ died for our sin, He was dead, He was buried, He was in the tomb three days and three nights, and God raised Him from the dead and He became then the only begotten Son of God. But not the only or last begotten son for all who receive the illumination of 1 Corinthians chapter 11 and verses 23 through 32 and chapter 15 verse 1 through 4 and Romans chapter 10 and verse 9 through 11 are they which receive this Gospel of Salvation. This is the whole story of the, what we call the first estate into which God places us for our good and training which leads to the crisis.

And when we believe that, God moves in and transforms us and make us a new person a New Creature. And without it, they can be "church-memberized" until they’re blue in the face and they’re as lost as lost as can be. But it is on this Gospel that all is based, on the fact that He was raised from the dead.

Alright now, on that same premise we want to bring you back to Romans chapter 1, which falls right in line with Acts 13. Remember what Acts said. Now concerning ‘that.’ That God declared Him the only begotten Son of God, that concerning that, it was when God raised Him from the dead that He became then the only begotten Son of God. We’ll start with verse 1 to pick up the flow.

Romans chapter 1:1-2
"Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the Gospel of God,
(Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures.)." See what that says. It fits perfectly with I Corinthians that He died for our sins according to what? The Old Testament Scriptures, the afore. That He rose from the dead. According to what? The Old Testament Scriptures. And here he repeats it, see? "Which he promised before by the prophets in the holy scriptures." Now verse 3,

Romans 1:3
"Concerning his son
(the same Son that Hebrews is dealing with) Jesus Christ our Lord, who was made of the seed of David (that is in the flesh) according to the flesh." Now here it comes in verse 4.

Romans 1:4
"And declared
(by the Psalmist. By God Himself. And here through the Apostle Paul’s writing) to be the Son of God with (what?) power, according to the spirit of holiness, (that is the very power of the holy Godhead. by the what?) the resurrection from the dead."

Do you see that? That’s when the power of the Son was confirmed, was consummated, was established or whatever word you can put on it. When He was raised from the dead. And without it there is no Salvation in fact our redemption would not have been a done deal without His resurrection either. And so if you doubt us, you just read I Corinthians 15 all over again and all through that chapter, how that, the very basis of our salvation is that Christ arose from the dead. Another good one is I Thessalonians 4:14. In that passage, believing that Christ died for us and rose again is the qualification we must meet before we can go in the departure.

Alright now then, back to Hebrews chapter 5 and we’ll go into verse 6.

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