Thursday, May 14, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 4h of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are well into a deep investigation into discovering the hidden things of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death, of Revelation 19.

The Lake of Fire and the Second Death:

Revelation 17:8, "The brutal Beast you saw is a [1]"has been" from the beginning - it indeed had no real existence - yet it seemed to make "a come back" as if emerging out of the Abyss only to dissolve again into perdition. Meanwhile the minds of those blinded by their [2]earthbound perceptions continue to be mesmerized by its apparent relevance. They are the ones whose identities are not [3]based in the Lamb's Book of Life. They do not yet see that their original identity was redeemed in the Lamb." (The words [1] en kai ouk esti, means, to be and not to be; With the verb (G2258, Imperfect of G1510) en, meaning agree, being the Imperfect Indicative of (G1510) eimi, means, I exist, I am - another meaning of the imperfect indicative is to refer to unreal (counterfactual) situations in present or past time.

This is in total contrast to the One who is I am; Who always was and will continually be the accompanying One. An antithesis to "ho en kai ho on" of Rev. 1:4.)

In the symbolic language of the Book of Revelation, the judgment of the Dragon, the Beast and the Whore; These three are the Counterfeit Trinity of religions disguise; Is a judgment against this entity, against this corrupted mindset-system. They (these three) are like a virus, that doesn't have a life of its own - it needs a host!

Microbiology Professor, Vincent Racaniello writes, "Life is "an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction. Viruses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on their own they can do nothing until they entire a living cell. Without cells, viruses would not be able to multiply. Therefore, viruses are not living things." It has been found that sun light dissolves a virus, this proven out in Scripture.)

Ephesians 6:12, "People are not the enemy, [whether they be husbands, wives, children, or parents, slaves, or bosses. They might host, law inspired thought patterns through their unbelief or ignorance but,] to target one another is to engage in the wrong combat. We represent the authority of the victory of Christ in the spiritual realm. We are positioned there [in Christ]; We [1]confront the mind games and [2]structures of darkness, religious thought patterns, governing and condition human behavior." (The word, [1, G4314 ] pros, means face to face, before, towards. The word, [2, G4190 part of G4189 ponēria] poneros, is often translated as evil; this word is described in Thayer's Lexicon: as full of annoyances, hardships and labor, which is exactly what the DIY Law-system of works produces!)

1Corinthians 15:24, "The complete conclusion in His work of Redemption is celebrated in His yielding the full harvest of His reign to GOD the Father, having [1]brought to naught the law of works which supported every definition of dominion under the fall, including all [2]principalities, all [3]authority and every [4]dynamic influence in society." (Jesus brought to naught the law of works (a punishment for Adam's disobedience*, Gen. 3:16, 17-19), [1, G2673 from G2596 and G691;] katargeo, to neutralize totally, to end, from (G2596) kata, intensity, and (G692) argos, meaning labor; Thus free from all self-effort the curse of Gen. 3, (this Jesus demonstrated in His wonders and miracles, during His mission); the counterfeit of religion it to attempt to improve what GOD has already perfected in Christ. All principalities, [2, G746 from G756 archomai  to rehearse from the beginning] arche, a commencement, or (concrete) chief, i.e., kings, governors, this includes any governing system whereby one is ranked above the other on the bases of their performance or preference. All authority, [3, G1849 from G1832 exesti, a compound of G1537 and G1510] exousia, comes from (G1537) ek, denoting origin and (G1510) eimi, I am; In this case, because of what I can do I am defined by what I can do better than you; Therefore, I have authority over you. Every dynamic influence in society, [4, G1411] dunamis, means power, in this case, willpower. Every religious or government structure in society will be brought under the dominion of grace where the Christ life rules.

The kingdom of GOD is the authority of the Christ life in ordinary, day to day life, where righteousness is based on who we are and not on who we are trying to impress. The law of works is duty and guilt driven, whereas the law of Faith is Agape driven. [Rom. 3:27, Gal. 5:6. Also 2Corinthians 10:12, "When they measure themselves by one another, competing and comparing, they are without understanding.")

It is most significant to consider Paul's reasoning when he declared, "I have determined to know nothing within you, except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified!" 1Corinthians 2:2, "My [1]mind is fully made up about you! The only possible way in which I can truly [2]know you, is in the light of GOD's mystery, which is [3]Christ in you! Jesus died humanity's death on the cross and thus brought final closure to any other basis of [1]judgment!" (The word, [1, G2919] krino, to judge, to determine, to deem in a forensic sense, here, in the Aorist Tense, ekrina, which suggests a once and for all completed act. The Aorist tense presents an occurrence in summary, viewed as a whole from the outside, almost like a snapshot of the action. Paul makes a very bold and radical statement, confirming his ministry focus to "know" the full scope and consequence of the revelation of mankind's redeemed innocence as communicated in the cross of Jesus Christ! This is the essence of the mystery of GOD! "For I determined to [2]know [-2 eido, to see, to perceive] nothing in you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." Paul continues to unfold the mystery of our redeemed oneness! In the previous chapter, he concluded that we are in Christ by GOD's doing; Here he clearly points to [3] Christ in us! [As Jesus declared in John 14:20.]) (The Mirror, with editing.)

Over the past years of this blog we have by the LORD's leading been doing an in-depth investigation, into GOD's revealed thoughts, that others thoughts and teachings have failed to bring point home, often by missing the mark. Until our next visit the LORD willing may He do as we have been doing under Him. [* this law could well be the belief system of Jewish origin where there would be 10 kingdoms to come with GOD's being the first and last and the Messiah's being the 9th after which He would give His to GOD.]

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