Friday, May 15, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 4i of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are currently in a deep investigation look into the Lake of Fire and the Second Death as spoken of by John in chapter 19 of his Revelation (revealing) of all things Christ, the Jewish Messiah. And by this action breaking up the false and felonious notations and misdirection's of religions teachings or doctrines. All done by wolves in sheep's clothing, by those who enter the sheepfold another way, than by that of Simon Bar Jonah's, the thief who hung to the right with Jesus or Saul of Tarsus's.

The Lake of Fire and the Second Death:

2Corintihans 3:4, "Christ Jesus is proof of our persuasion about us/you before GOD."

2Corinthians 1:18-19; 5:14, 16, "GOD's certainty is our persuasion; There is no maybe in Him! The Son of GOD, Jesus Christ, whom, I, Paul, Sylvanus and Timothy boldly announce in you, is GOD's ultimate YES! to humanity. Jesus is GOD's YES to YOU! Human life is associated in all that He is. In GOD's mind, there exists not even a hint of hesitation about this!...I am convinced that if one died, then all died! Therefore, from Now on, I no longer know anyone from a human point of view!" (see also Gal. 1:16 and Col. 1:27)

John 14:20; Gal. 1:16, (Jesus is speaking openly here), "'In That day you will know that I am in My Father, you are in Me and I am in you!' (Note that it is not our knowing that positions Jesus in the Father or us in Them, or the Spirit of Christ in us! Our knowing simply awakens us (as it did the thief who hung to the right of Jesus and that hour met Him in Abraham's bosom) to the reality of our redeemed oneness! Gold does not become gold when it is discovered but it certainly becomes currency!)...This is the heart of the gospel that I proclaim; It began with an unveiling of His Son [1]in me, freeing me to announce the same sonship [2]in the masses of non-Jewish people. I felt no immediate urgency to compare notes with those who were familiar with Christ from a mere historic point of view." (The Greek text is quite clear: "It pleased the Father to reveal His Son in me in order that I may proclaim His in the Nations!" The words, [1, G1722 G1698] en emoi, translate as "in me" and (G1722 [the, G3588] G1484) en ethnos, translates as in the Gentile nations, or the masses of non Jewish people! Not "among" the Gentiles as most translations have it. Later, when Barnabus is sent to investigate the conversion of the Greeks in Acts 11, instead of reporting his findings to HQ in Jerusalem, he immediately sought Paul, knowing that Paul's gospel is the revelation of the mystery of Christ in the Nations [see Col. 1:27]. No wonder then that believers were the first to be called "Christians," or Christ-like the Anointed ones! my how things have changed! If they are no one would know it, today.)

Jesus Christ confirms that the son of man is the son of GOD. (did you get that?) "Call no man your father on earth, for you have only one Father who is in heaven." [Mat. 23:9] Paul reminds the Greek philosophers in Acts 17, that we live and move and have our being in GOD; humanity is indeed the offspring of GOD! He is quoting from their own writings, Epimenedes 600 BC. The incorruptible seed of our sonship is as much present in every person as the seed is already in all soil, even in the desert, waiting for the (grace) rains to awaken (light from above) and ignite its life!

"'For as the rain and snow come down from heaven and waters the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, so shall My word (grace/faith) be that proceeds from My mouth, it shall not disappoint My purpose, it shall saturate the soil (soul/heart of man) and cause it to bring forth and sprout. Instead of the thorn the cyprus and instead of the briers the myrtle!'" (Isaiah 55:8-11, 13)

In Matthew 13:44, Jesus says that the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in an agricultural field! There is more to the field than what meets the eye!

In 2Corinthians 4:4, 7, Paul says that we have this treasure in (our) earthen vessels! But the god of this world has blindfolded our minds through unbelief  [believing the first lie about ourselves, portrayed in Num. 13:33] to keep us from seeing the light of the gospel revealing the glory of GOD in the face of Christ who is the image (no longer the shadow figure of the image, Gen. 1:26 the secret of Deu. 29:29) of GOD, as in a mirror!

When Jesus spoke of the sinners he spoke of Himself as a lost sheep, coin, or son. [Luke 15] You cannot be lost unless you belong! The inscription and the image did not disappear from the coin when it was lost. How can we praise GOD and with the same mouth curse a person made in His image? (Today we both see and hear this all the time from the elected and news medias.) [James 3:9 and Luke 20:20-26] Humanity has forgotten what manner of people they are by design; We are the image and likeness bearers of our Maker; This is exactly what Jesus came to reveal and redeem.

We may now behold His with unveiled faces as in a mirror and be immediately transformed [in our understanding] (no repentance required, just a broken/contriteness of heart, of penitence) into His likeness. From glory [opinion] of the flesh to the glory [opinion] of GOD. Legalistic religion kept the veil in place (like a heavy fire blanket, that smothers a flame); The proclaiming of our liberating truth of the Good News, removes this veil! The "ugly duckling" didn't need a face-lift or lessons on how to fake the swan within life! It only needed to know the truth about itself to be free indeed!) (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now may our LORD make His presence known within us all, until our next visit be well and full of His light.

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