Thursday, May 7, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 4a of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are about to embark on another picture story of the Revelation of Christ's battles with fallen humanity's fantasies about Him and His kingdom as seen through the eyes of John, the man that Jesus loved. This one comes from the long time imagined lake of fire.

The Lake of Fire and The Second Death:

By whom and when the imagery of this Lake of Fire was first introduced, is suggestive of judgment, where by every possible trace of both the source [the counterfeit Trinity system], as well as the effect in the recipients [their distorted perceptions and religious mindsets], are forever consumed. This may well have been the thought pattern of the ancient world as there were recently found in the deserts of Egypt, some three miles from the Nile River, where among other things are 14 full sizes ocean going ships, each coated with a layer of protective clay, were discover buried by the sands.

Every single person who ever dies in ignorance, indifference or unbelief, is immediately confronted with and mirrored, in the once and for all death and resurrection of Jesus - this is pictured here by the Lake of burning Sulphur, cleansing and purifying like in a furnace; Separating the gold from the dross (wheat from the tares) of a corrupted mindset, belief systems, found in the masses of humanity.

For those who awaken to their redeemed innocence in this life there is no judgment in the Second death. Revelation 2:11, Now listen up with your inner ears! hear with understanding what the Spirit is saying to the Ekklesis - [those who like Simon Peter, with Saul of Tarsus, discover their true identity in Me] it is he that triumphs [in their fearless embrace of My resurrection life] will know that there is no judgment in the second death. [Remember the One talking is the One "who became dead and was restored to life," and said, 'Behold in death I will personally crown you with life! In My death, I redefine your death'] Look at Hebrews 9:25-28. As representative of the human race, Jesus Christ fulfilled humanity's destiny with death and judgment! [1Cor. 15:3-5, Rom. 4:25, Acts 17:30-31] FACT: Jesus did not come to condemn the world. The Father judges no one for He has handed all judgment over to the Son, Who judged this world in righteousness when he took their judgment in His own body.

John 12:31-33, " 'Now is the judgment of this world; This is the moment where the rulers of this world-systems are conclusively cast out! When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all unto Me (Myself)!' (The subject of this sentence, as from the previous verse, is the judgment of the world - thus, the primary thought here is that in His death, Jesus would draw all judgment upon Himself and thereby forever redeem humanity's innocence!) This he said to point to the way in which he would die."

I will leave these thoughts with you to ponder and deeply consider. Until our next visit the LORD willing when we shall pick up the flow at Revelation 20's verse 14. Now may our LORD and Redeemer work within each of us His work to His glory renewed within us.

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