Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 4m of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

How fitting is that, we are in the last of the note of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death as propagated by man's religion and its religious systems all based on falsehoods of hearsay's, traditions and rituals, by our not only lifting it's veil but removing it all together. Even the mysteries/secrets of GOD set in the often hidden and unknown to the persons of unredeemed mindset. In part "4m" of the final note.

The Lake of Fire and the Second Death:

1Thessalonians 4:13-18, "I do not want to be ignorant concerning those who seem to be fast asleep in their indifference and unbelief. There is no need for you to grieve as if they are beyond hope! (see 1Cor. 15:15, [1]Ponder this mystery, I want to show you something that you have never seen before: [2]everyone will awaken out of sleep, we will [3] all experience exactly the same change ("GOD has only One Way for us all" our sister blog post) In other word, [1]idou musterion, Look! A Mystery! And [2]pantes ou koimethesometha, means no one will sleep; And [3]pantes de allangesometha; everyone will be changed.) We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and that He fully represents and includes even those who have not awakened to Him yet. GOD will [1]lead them to realize that they are in Jesus. (The word, [1, G71] ego means to lead as a Shepherd leads his sheep. see 1Cor. 1:30, Eph. 1:4.) We give voice to the word of the LORD: We are GOD's wake-up call to them that are asleep (held as in being memorized, under a trance as hypnotizes)! We are exhibiting the [1]immediate tangible presence of the LORD and shall not [2]exclude them! (The word, [1, G3952] parousia means immediate presence. See comment on 1The. 2:19. See the use of the word, [2, G5348] phthano, to prevent, to hinder or exclude, also in 2Cor. 10:14, "Our ministry to you is proof that there are no geographic limitations which could possibly exclude you from the gospel of Jesus Christ!" See also 1The. 3:12, "We can already see how the LORD causes the agape we have for you to dynamically impact each of you and burst its banks to flood the entire world!" The people who dwelt in darkness have seen a great light! The true light that enlightens everyone has come! And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together!") The LORD will personally step out of the invisible heavenly realm into our immediate visible horizon with an including shout, announcing His triumphant reign in the trumpet-like billowing voice of GOD; And even the dead will rise from their sleep, since they too are included in Christ (the likeness of Gen. 1:26-27, Ps 8:6)! In the wake of their arising we will all be gathered into a large dense multitude of an innumerable throng of people, united as one, like the particles of water in a cloud, and we will encounter the LORD in the very air we breathe and so shall we continually celebrate our I-am-ness in our union with Him. (This is the moment redemption declares, where Deity and humanity are married again. The Bride and her Groom are unveiled! Being One.) The fact that we are all deeply connected in the same source of our 'beingness' causes us to be constantly engaged in this conversation with one another."

When Mother Teresa was asked what motivated her to go out into the streets of Calcutta in the odd hours of the night, her reply revealed her mission, "I go to my LORD in His most disturbing disguises!" (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now may the LORD reawaken us all, each new day.

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