Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part XCIV

Why would a God with such power and such authority, go to such depths of suffering and death for the sake of His created beings? But Christ did, see? Alright and so the Word of God is alive, and it’s powerful; it is beyond natural human comprehension.

Hebrews 4:12a
"…and sharper than any two edged sword,…"

Now of course, Paul, we're sure, wrote Hebrews. We’ve stressed that often enough, and we think Paul was only too well aware of Roman soldiers. Oh, he was aware of them! And the Romans soldiers not only carried their large swords but they carried that hand to hand weapon which was the short ten-inch blade. We’ve been looking it up in the encyclopedia, usually made of brass and intensely razor sharp. And so Paul, by inspiration, of course, but also from his physical appreciation of the thing, refers to the Bible as that intensely sharpened two-edged sword. Sharp as a surgeons scalpel.

Again, beyond our natural comprehension, because you see back in Genesis. When God created man, He created us a three-part being. He created us (and we're going to come from the inside out). He created us a spirit being (a receptive being, Genesis 1:26-27) with whom God Himself could communicate. He put within the physical body (the house we dwell in (Genesis 2:6-7, spirit and) the five senses, the personality, the mind, the will and the emotion, the soul or heart of man. And all three of these are part and parcel. One being.

Now let’s prove this from Scripture so that we don’t say well that’s just one man’s idea. Come back to I Thessalonians chapter 5, where the Scripture itself, gives us the whole three-part being of the human make-up. As Paul now winds down this letter to the Thessalonians he says:

I Thessalonians 5:23
"And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly;
(or completely. And here it comes, and he says) and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body (all three as one unit) be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Did we hear and understand what Paul just said? God sanctified our body in order to be able to come into it, the spirit of Christ in now developing in us, maturing us into the perfect man, as we were in the beginning united to Him.

Now back to Hebrews chapter 4 again. We’ve also stressed, that humanly speaking, it is impossible for us to separate the soul and the spirit. They sort of blend into one and we guess that’s the way most of us comprehend it, they are known as the heart or central being. Because they are both the invisible part of us, they can be called as in the blood of man. Why? Because we are told that life is in the what? Blood! The body of course, we can see, but the soul and spirit are both invisible and they were both placed within man at creation but God alone can separate them or occupy them. We are His temple.

The Word of God also is able to draw a distinction then between the spirit of man and his soul. We suppose the best way to explain soul and spirit is that, the soul is that which makes up our personality. The mind, the will, are the seat of our emotions. That’s our personality. That’s the real you. This is the real me. The real person. The spirit on the other hand, is that part of us that can have fellowship with the Creator Himself or be in bondage to who? Satan. Why? Because he replaced God's position within fallen man. But man was left with what a seed hidden within him. It is this seed that Jesus made allusion to in John chapter 12 verse 24, it is this seed that when the light of this Gospel hits causes His Life to be received again within our body and begins to grow unto the perfect man. Just as a seed planted in the soil first dies before it can sprout when the soil has both warmth and moisture working on it we know not how, then the sprout or stem, then the leaf then the full grain (flower) in the leaf.

As we remember from our Genesis study, when Adam fell, when Adam disobeyed God, his spirit became inoperative, he became blind and deft to the things of God. As God did to him, God does not look at or see those in darkness or sin. It (mans spirit) lost fellowship with God and consequently the lost person has no conception of God, and has no communication with God. His spirit is defunct, asleep and so the soul then became a sin-natured part of man (a Satan-child) until salvation through redemption would regenerate the spirit and give a new nature (a restored God-child) opposite the old nature.

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