Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part XCVII

Hebrews 4:13b
"…but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do."

Now, never forget that Paul is constantly referring in this Epistle to the Hebrews to the living God. We aren’t worshiping some idol of the heavens, man, or creeping thing, of wood or stone. We’re not worshiping some man-concocted idea, that we are literally aware of, but we're worshiping, and are redeemed by, a living creator God.

Alright, now we're going to let the Scripture speak for itself, and periodically, in my own time, we just love to go back and read Psalms 119 and 139. Let’s go back and look at it in this light. How that God sees everything, the unimportant, the mundane, as well as the headline grabbing events of mankind. Nothing escapes His manifestations. Here in Psalms 139, David just puts it so beautifully and like we've said, we're going to let the Word of God speak for itself. We read and let the Word speak for itself. We begin with verse 1 of Psalms 139 we’ll just let the Spirit lead to see how far He wants us to go.

Psalm 139:1
"O Lord, you have searched me, and
(what’s the next word?) known me."

There’s not a part of us that God doesn’t know. Again, as we go into the throne room in prayer, and we’ll be looking at that a little later, where he says, "Come boldly before the throne of Grace." Do you realize, do you believe with your wholeheart, that when we pray, we come into that throne room, it’s as if we are the only one. God isn’t dealing with millions and millions of people. Oh, He is, but as an individual. We have that confidence that when we pray, it’s the Lord and us alone in the throne room, and you can have that same knowing. All right, and this is what David is saying. The Lord not only searched him but what? Knew him. Personally, as an individual man.

Psalms 139:2
"You know my sitting down and mine uprising, you understand my thoughts afar off."

The what? Our thoughts! We don’t even have to say it and the Lord knows what we are thinking. Now we've got ready to say it a little bit ago. That doesn’t mean that God holds us responsible for every rotten thought that scoots through our mind. If you don’t have rotten thoughts, then you’re not part of the human race. We’ll never forget years ago when it bothered us that once in a while at just the most revered time, our old mind could shoot these filthy thoughts through and then we read an article by a dear old pastor of a large church in Philadelphia years back. And this was his testimony. He said "It amazed me that there I could stand behind the communion table and as my deacons were out there passing the elements of the Lord’s supper, I would have the most awful thoughts." That is why Paul tells us to take into captivity every thought or strong hold that would raise itself above or against the knowledge of God.

You know what we said? Praise the Lord! Because that tells us he was no different than we are and we're no different that you are. We do have thoughts like that, but as long as we don’t stop and dwell on them, we don’t think God holds us responsible. Our subconscious can shoot them on through and if we let them go, He’s not going to hold us responsible. But if we’re going to stop it and say now wait a minute, I’m going to think about this a little longer. Then it becomes something that we’re going to have to give an account for, that is why we're told to crucified put to death the thoughts and our flesh with its passions and lusts. But never lose sight of the fact that God is a discerner of the very thoughts of our thinking. Now verse 3.

Psalms 139:3
"You compassed my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways."

Now we know what that means? There’s not a moment in our time of living that God isn’t completely around us, as a believer He dwells in us. Now we're talking to believers. David was a believer. So this is the assurance that we have, that God is that aware of us as an individual. Not just as one of masses, but we’re an individual in His sight. Lets go on. This is interesting isn’t it? Now verse 4.

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