Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part XCVI

Oh, we were living, yes, but spiritually we were dead, and that’s the vast majority of the world out there. They are spiritually dead, as said before separated from God. A world full of dead people. They cannot function in its entirety until they get back into fellowship with their Creator. Until their spirit has been energized and that energized spirit coupled with the Holy Spirit in turn can work on that personality. The personality and the spirit in turn influence the body, by taking back the strong hold of darkness and wrath that controls the lost and the unbelieving man.

That’s the whole idea of the Christ oneness experience. See, that’s why we’re different. Now, when we say different, we’re not a bunch of oddballs. We don’t expect saints to be oddballs. We are just somebody different, and we have different values. We have different hopes, and different desires. Why? Because the spirit has been energized and it now is influencing all of that which makes us up and our individuality because the Holy Spirit is preparing us for the Spirit of Christ to take His place in us. Now coming back to Hebrews let’s look at that verse again.

Hebrews 4:12a
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edge sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,…"

We just had a thought! Do you suppose that’s why the unbelieving world doesn’t want to open this Book? They’re afraid of what it’s going to do to them. We know they are! They’re scared to death of what it’s going to do to them. They're afraid of the unknown, the true supernatural.

And we know what always thrills us, its when some one says, "Now that I’ve got a grip on what the Word of God is all about, I don’t have any trouble witnessing." We were always scared to open our mouth because we knew if they asked us something we wouldn’t be able to answer it. And we didn’t want to be embarrassed, but now we can give them an answer. Now we can turn to the Scriptures and show them what it says." See! And this is where we have to be, but for the average lost person, no, they’re scared of this Book, because it is that sharp two-edged sword that divides asunder soul and spirit, the joint and marrow. Now then, the last part of the verse.

Hebrews 4:12b
"…and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

The heart, the very most inner-being, the central part of everyone of us. The Word of God (who is called the word of God? Jesus Christ so it is the Spirit of Christ in us doing the work) is able to tell us what we’re thinking. Now that’s hard to comprehend isn’t it? But you see, as you feed on the Word of God and you meditate on it (you eat His flesh and do what drink His blood), on those verses that we trust you learned as a kid, and you meditate on those verses, what does it do? He convicts. He convicts us of every evil thought. He convicts of everything that we do contrary to the Word of God because that’s His purpose. He is to reveal to us where we are missing the mark. He’s to reveal to us how far we are falling short and it’s only by God’s Grace, that He lets us get away with it.

We don’t deserve to continue on day after day being less than what God would have us to be, but see God doesn’t give up on us. God doesn’t say I’ve had it with you. Never! But the Grace of God continues to work and speak through the powerful Word! As Paul said else where Christ in me the hope of glory, He brings us to the place of His glory being revealed in us.

Hebrews 4:13a
"Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight:"

In other words it’s just tied to this same concept that the Word of God is able to just simply penetrate into those areas that nothing else can do and so there is nothing, no creature that is not manifest in his sight. We like to define that word manifest as a light under a microscope. That, until you turn that little powerful light on to beam up through the object that you are looking at, you don’t see anything. But once that light manifests everything that’s on that little glass slide, it’s made available for you to see. Alright, now that’s the way the Word of God is. He just simply puts God’s powerful spotlight on everything, and so he says:

Hebrews 4:13b
"…but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do."

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