Friday, September 7, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CLXX

He writes so pitifully, in II Timothy, "O, Timothy you know that all those in Asia have turned against me." Why? They didn’t like Paul’s message. They preferred something that demanded works. And I was just reminded of a quote from the president of Princeton University. I think I can quote it almost verbatim. I found it written in something on Princeton some time ago it was back in 1888 I think it was. That of course, gives rise to the truth of his statement. He hasn’t been polluted by the modernism or the secular humanism of the last hundred years. But in 1888-1890, this president of Princeton made this statement, "Either Christendom has to rehabilitate the doctrines of Paul or it is on and on and on to apostasy and despair."

And the gentleman who quoted it in the book I was reading went on to say, (and he was writing in about 1910 or 1915) "...isn’t it sad that Christendom chose the former." They chose to turn against the Apostle Paul and his doctrines and went instead contrary to it. But in this ministry, we’re not going to do that. We’re going to hang with Paul’s apostleship, with his teachings and with his Gospel of the Grace of God. We'll do our best to follow in the steps of Paul, Major W. Ian Thomas, William Law, Andrew Murray and a few others all while seeking the heart or face of God through His Holy Spirit. So again, verse 19:

Hebrews 7:19
"For the law
(the Mosaic System) made nothing perfect, (it had so much lacking)but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh (close) unto God."
Now just to prove the point, let’s go back. Come back with me to Romans chapter 3 because we can never repeat some of these things often enough. I have to be constantly reminded, that there are those who are hearing these things for the first time. And, you just can’t grasp it in just one hearing. It has to be repeated and repeated, so just remember, that we have all kinds of people who are hearing it for the first time. Romans chapter 3 verse 19 and this is exactly what Hebrews 7:19 is referring to, that the Law was not perfect. Alright, here’s why.

Romans 3:19a
"Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law:…"

Well now, what percentage of the human race even at that time was that applicable for? The tiny Nation of Israel, which was probably just a fraction of a percent of the total. They were the only ones that were under the Levitical Law. But on the other hand to settle the Sovereignty of God, the whole world came under the curse of the commandment which became a law, not just Israel, but the whole world. And that’s what it says next, see?

Romans 3:19a
"We know that what soever the law saith, it saith to them that are under the law:
(that is to the Nation of Israel) that every mouth (going beyond the Nation of Israel to the whole human race) may be stopped,…"
What does that mean? Hey, when they come before God they can’t argue. Oh, they’re going to try, I think, but it’s not going to work. The Lord Himself gave us a good example. He said, "in that day" (and He was speaking of the Great White Throne, he said) "in that day they will say, but Lord" (what does that mean? They’re arguing) "but Lord didn’t we do this and didn’t we do that? Didn’t we cast out demons in your name and all that?" (And what’s His answer going to be?) "Depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you." Sad, isn’t it? So sad.

But nevertheless, the Law could do nothing more than what we see in the rest of the verse now that:

Romans 3:19b
"…all the world may become guilty before God."

Notice it doesn’t say, that they may become saved as a lot of people today think yet. That if they just keep the commandments and do the best they can, then God will say "Well, come on in." No! All the commandment which became law by way of unbelief or rebellion of Adam and then the Levitical Law could do was condemn.

Now that shocks people that have never heard it before, but the Law has never saved anybody! All the Law can do is show man their sin and the fact that we’ve all broken it. Keeping the Law is not a vehicle of salvation. It is a ministration of death because, as James says, "if you’re guilty of one, you’re guilty of breaking all of them." Boy, where does that leave all of us? We’re all Law-breakers supreme. Now this Law is what the Ten Commandments as it is a moral law or code of conduct for all. Now verse 20.

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