Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CLXXIV

We, as Christians, are to testify only to that which we have received from the Holy Spirit to us, and this "teaching" is coming from Christ through His Spirit into our spirit......not from some man/woman who is totally devoid of any spirituality and thinks they have knowledge of God. For an understanding of the why of this and it's being so, find a download (pdf) of a book written by Henry Scougal titled "The Life of God in the Soul of Man."

I pray those reading this will study that scripture until the "light" shines in you from Christ as to the revelation of His nature of Divine Love. Please do not take a man's word for something that only God can reveal to you.

Alright, let’s get right back to where we left off, and that was in Hebrews chapter 7 and we’ll go on now to verse 25.

Hebrews 7:25a

Now remember whenever Paul uses that word “wherefore”, what does it do? Sends you back to what he had just got through saying and he’s just been telling us that this man, the Man Christ Jesus, God the Son Who had finished the work of Salvation through the cross, in His death, burial and resurrection. This Man, in verse 24, has an unchangeable Priesthood. He’s immutable. He never changes. Just because He took on flesh, suffered and died doesn’t mean that He never stopped being the Eternal Sovereign Creator God of the universe. For all that He did was on a higher road or way of life than mere nature man lives and works.

Hebrews 7:25
"Wherefore he
(this Son) is able also to save them to the uttermost (in other words completely, not just partially remember Grace is a finished work a done deal) that come unto God by him,…"
Not some other way. Not through the office of the Old Testament or Covenant, for as John’s Gospel tells us that if they try to come in some other way, they are what? They are a thief and a robber, and so there is only this one way. Why? Because it requires a death to our fallen nature and its lusts for the things of this present darkness or the world. This is "the Gospel" that is not taught nor well received of men, as man loves darkness, lawlessness more than Light or Truth.

Now we’re living in a time where that doesn’t go down easy. I’m standing on this premise, that it’s an exclusive Gospel that saves us. It is not just one of many. The scripture is adamant that there is no other name given among men, whereby we must be saved. And the scripture is also adamant that this is the only way that God will accept mankind and so here we have it. Because of Who this Man Christ Jesus is with a Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek. Because of Who He is, "He is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God by Him or through Him", and the reason being:

Hebrews 7:25b
"…seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."

He ever lives for all eternity, from past to future. Consequently He can make intercession or be the constant comfort for them who have placed their trust and whole-hearted love not only in His death, burial, and resurrection for His working of in them His Salvation but also His Eternal Love and Life now been imparted to them.

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