Friday, September 14, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CLXXVI

I hope and pray that yesterdays post was a help and there are many who find themselves in such a straight as that therein spoken of. But now a last we'll return to our regular study as it helps clear the air about such things. In a manor that most wont venture to travel because they refuse to accept the call to "come out from among them" and then "to learn of Him" with whom we're to have to do.
Now picking back up in Romans 3.

Romans 3:23
"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

Stop right there a minute and keep your hand in Romans. Flip all the way over to chapter 5, still in Romans. Now this is what the Book says. This isn’t my idea. This isn’t some denomination’s idea. This is what God’s Word says:

Romans 5:12
"Wherefore, as by one man,
(not one woman) sin entered into the world, and death(came along with it) by sin (and so because of Adam’s disobedience) and so death passed upon (how many?) all men, (not just the worst or the few but rather ALL men, the whole human race) for all have sinned:"

All have sinned, every human being. Black and white, rich or poor, Oriental or Western makes no difference - the whole human race is included in this word "all." Death has passed upon all. Sin has been declared as a part of all and there’s nothing more that we can add or take away that Adam precipitated all of this curse that we call ‘sin and death.’ Don’t ever forget that. By one man, Adam, sin entered and with it death came as well.

I guess we could look at some more. Let's go ahead and go to I Corinthians chapter 15, and dropping all the way over to verse 45. Remember, I Corinthians 15 is the tremendous resurrection chapter. But here again, we have to show this difference between Adam, who has set the whole human race under the curse and under sin and death; as compared to the second Adam – Christ, Who made provision to bring every human being out of it and the setting of our feet back as "IF" sin and death had not ever been, as we saw back in Hebrews.

I Corinthians 15:45
"And so it written, The first man, Adam was made
(or created) a living soul; the last Adam (which is a reference to Jesus as the son of man) was a quickening (or a life giving or restoring) spirit." Do you see that? What kind of life? A Kingdom or Divine Life and Endless and Eternal Life as promised within the framework of the New Covenant, wherein God undertakes to do all in all. Then drop down to verse 47.

I Corinthians 15:47-49
"The first man Adam is of the earth,
(he’s) earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven (He's spiritual). As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: (Those of us who are of the race of Adam, those who remain of the external or material realm) and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly."
That is once we enter into God’s tremendous saving Grace. And without it we are doomed for total separation from God.

Alright now, if you’ll flip back to Romans chapter 3 because we’re going to spend most of the time on this verse that says, "wherefore He is able also to save to the uttermost those who come to God by Him." Remember the word "by" means through so we have to go through or come through Christ and just how and when is this done? We'll be for finding this out along our course of study though we've already revealed it, elsewhere.

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