Monday, September 17, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CLXXIX

I Corinthians 1:17a
"For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel:…"

This same Gospel of Salvation that Romans 1:16 referred to, "how that Christ died, shed His blood, was buried and rose from the dead." Now finishing the verse.

I Corinthians 1:17
"For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect."

In other words, not with smooth silver-tongued oratory, as we find in our day and time. Now here’s the verse I wanted you to see. Verse 18.

I Corinthians 1:18a
"For the preaching of the cross
(let that sink in) is to them that perish (the lost world, that means all who choose to remain as mere humans, yes to them it’s) foolishness;…"
Today they would probably say, "You mean to tell me that somebody that was on a Roman Cross two-thousand years ago has anything to do with me? I can’t believe that!" Well, then they are perishing. So for those who hear the preaching of the Cross and they perish, it’s foolishness. And why is it so, they take it all lightly and in many cases mockingly though they're not even aware that that is just what they are doing. Now for the flipside.

I Corinthians 1:18b
"…but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

For those of us who have latched on to this "so Great a Salvation" it is the power of God. Years back I made the statement. When God saves a sinner, whether it’s me or you or a Mafia or a well-heeled real nice socialite, makes no difference. It takes more power to save that person out of the clutches of sin and death than to create the universe. Now that may be a play on words, but nevertheless, hopefully it will sink in. That’s why Paul is always emphasizing the power of Christ’s resurrection, when He defeated all the forces of Satan and death and hell and set us free from it all. It took or required tremendous power, because Satan is powerful. Those chains which had a hold were not some small bracelet, they were heavy and securely forged. Notice also Paul here don't say, "but unto us which have salvation it is the power of God" NO he said by the Holy Spirit that we're "saved". For its in the process of being saved that we're placed within the corral of that redemption or redeeming process through which we all have to pass before we can receive or adoption of son-ship. Because its in it that we're given the power to become a son.

Now he’s (Satan) not as powerful as God, but he’s powerful. And he’s not going to let go of anybody without a fight. And I think most of us have experienced it. We’re plagued with doubts and that’s the satanic power? And so always remember that "the preaching of the Cross is to us who are saved the power of God." Let’s go down to verse 21, here in chapter 1 of I Corinthians.

I Corinthians 1:22
"For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom;"

Now that’s evident, all the way through their history the Hebrews had to have a sign in order to understand that God was in it. And so they "required a sign and the Greeks were seeking after wisdom (the philosophy and all that) but, to those of us who are called it’s Christ the power of God."

There’s that word "power" again. The same power that caused Him to perform the miracles, but now that’s been imparted to us by virtue of our trusting in His faith, and the wisdom of God which beats any intellectual power on earth. Now before we continue I must say that there are many out there that are seeking the power, but it is the power to raise the dead, heal the sick, to get wealth and riches...etc. you get the idea don't you? Well, that's not what this power is for this power is the power of God to break the ties or chains that hold us in sins grip, it the power to release us form the influence of the spirit of the world and the power of the prince of the air. Its the power that gives to us the right to become a God-child again but only after we've been tutored for a season, and we determine it length by our willingness to be receptive of the revelations of God. Which causes the angels to cray out Holy Holy Holy.

Hebrews chapter 7 and we’re still on the Priesthood of Christ after the order of Melchizedek. Remembering, I’ve got to keep repeating it, that we’re dealing primarily with Jewish people who were still having a hard time separating themselves from any part of Judaism. And that’s understandable. You know, it’s no different for people today, especially if they’ve been in a cult and they’ve been brainwashed for a lifetime. And then to see these Truths and all of that that they’ve been taught was contrary to Scripture. So it’s not easy to just turn their backs on what they’ve been taught for years. People don't know the difference as those who are in our religious systems of this day and time aren't much different than those in a cult because they fit into those who Paul, James, Peter and John warn about when they say to be a wear of strange doctrines and other gospels. Many of the gospels taught by our churches Jesus Himself would not have had anything to do with. Because God's Love is greater and requires us to say what He has said and revealed through the cross and the Holy Spirits workings within us.

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