Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCX

Hebrews 9:14
"How much more
(than the blood of animals mentioned in the previous verse) shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit (there’s your third Person of the Trinity, all involved together, see? ) offered himself without spot to God, (as a lamb, remember back there in Exodus 12 – without blemish) purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"
Are you all aware of what the word purge means? Now again, I just had a firsthand understanding of it. The natural gas people are laying a pipeline on the other side of the hill in front our house. I noticed that they had all of that pipe welded, laying above ground. Now if you’re like me and you’re going to start thinking, how are they going to get that steel pipe down in that ditch without busting it all up?

So when I noticed that they were starting to lay it into the ditch. How are they going to lay all of those hundreds of feet of pipe that’s all welded together, how are they going to lay it down in that ditch without it breaking? That pipe was laying down in that ditch like a rope – it had that much flexibility. When they welded those things I noticed dirt was laying in it. Did they clean all that? No, they just don’t pay any attention to that. When they’re all through, they’ll purge it and clear it all out. Now I don’t know whether they use air or water pressure, but they’re going to make sure that that pipe is totally immaculate without a speck of steel or welding slag or dirt. They’re going to purge it. Well, that’s the same word. So what did God do with our sin? He purged it. He cleansed us of it. Every last bit! And then He forgot about it! He circumcised our heart or gave us a New pure heart undefiled and thereby we became Holy as He is Holy. Is that not what He had told Israel?

I know that when we’re human, we can’t forget. Much as we try, you can’t forget. But God does!" That’s one of His attributes. God can forget! And when He purges us from our sin, He doesn’t ever bring them up to His mind, He never will throw them up as in our face. It’s over so far as God is concerned." And that’s what I tell every one and try to get them to understand but because of the false teachings they have a hard time with all of this as being Truth. And we're all about the New and the necessary things of God.

We need to look at it the way God does. God has forgotten your past. He will never throw it up to you again. You’re purged of all that. And all you can do is take it by simply trusting and praising Him moment by moment. Oh, thank you Lord, We’ve been cleansed. Then as the angels of Revelation cry out Holy Holy Holy we're to do the same.

But what is the cleansing element? The blood, water and death! Now you don’t hear much about that anymore and it’s a sad, a sad commentary on Christendom. The blood, water and death are the cleansing agents. More particularly the water and the blood. And they alone can do it. So He offered himself without spot to God,

Hebrews 9:14b
"…purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"

Here again, the dead works responses directly to the Nation of Israel, because see, they’re the ones that have been under a religion of dead works. All their Temple worship, all their sacrifices, couldn’t take away sin, nor was there any redemption within its frameworks. It was and is only dead works. Works based on purely human efforts or human sufficiency and strength. And so, now Paul is saying, "My, the blood of the Lamb! That which has purged us and has cleansed us from even the dead work of Judaism and has brought them and us to serve the living God." Here's what my dilemma is with the worlds churches, why don't they teach these things. Why don't they get into the things of the pure New Covenant? Why do they skirt the issues and continue to defile this Gospel? By blinding of the Old and the New, they are two separate Covenants, not a continuing of one as with Abraham, Isaac and the Jacob. To do this leaves people in darkness and confusion, broken hearted and discouraged all of which Paul hear in Hebrews and else where warns against. Because they don't believe them nor do they know them by way of personal revelation. When people hear and understand the Truth it becomes part and parcel of their lives in a living reality, as the necessary thing. But, They have no true fear of God. All right, now let’s move on to verse 15.

Hebrews 9:15a
"And for this cause
(because God has with His own blood purged us of all our filth and our sin) he is the mediator of the new testament (New Covenant) that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament (New Covenant),…"
Now you’ll notice I’m using the word ‘covenant’ rather than the word ‘testament’ because in the Old Testament as we call it, you don’t see that word ‘testament;’ it’s ‘covenant.’ And the covenant back in the Old Testament was from first God to Abram then God to Isaac, then to Jacob/Israel but with Moses as the mediator. After the extraction from Egypt, Moses was the go-between between God and Israel. And there is a new covenant coming according to Jeremiah 31:31 and Ezekiel 37:26, directed only to the Nation of Israel. But, you see, we’ve come under all of the good things of what God has done to fulfill that covenant to the Hebrews and we’re getting what has been often called the overflow. And everything that Christ did there at the Passover and then the Cross was in order to establish this New Covenant with the Israel of God, we’re enjoying all the benefits as well. Why? Because we're counted in the same order or class as Abraham. Why? Because we take God at His Word and His Word is both Law and His will. Now remember unlike the first or now Old what is required to enter this New Covenant? What has to happen, a death.

All right, because He has purged us and He has purged those Hebrews of their sinfulness, lawlessness and through that He has caused them now to turn to the Living God instead of a dead religion. But the fulness of that day has not yet come, they still have Jacobs troubles ahead of them. Why? Because of their hardness of heart caused by their rejection of the offer of the kingdom which Jesus brought to them. When He proclaimed the kingdom of God or as we've said the kingdom of Eternal Life which is what it means. All right, verse 15 again:

Hebrews 9:15
"And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance."

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