Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCXIII

Hebrews 9:18
"Whereupon neither the first covenant
(the first covenant and then the Law as a unite) was dedicated without blood."
And then in verse 19, we go all the way back to Exodus, and this is what had to happen.

Hebrews 9:19a
"For when Moses
(at the very beginning of the system of Levitical Law. When he had brought the Commandments down from the mountain and now has the instructions for building the Tabernacle to establish the ritual and the sacrifices.) had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood…"
Now people don’t like this. Maybe that’s why I revel in teaching it. Do I like to rub people the wrong way? Paul did and why should we be any different than him? If it’ll wake them up and get them into The Book. And so, it was never without blood, pride must die in us or nothing of God can exist in us. see? He took –

Hebrews 9:19b-20
"…the blood of calves and goats, with water, and scarlet wool and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book,
(that is the Book of Law) and all the people, Saying, This is the blood of the covenant which God hath enjoined unto you."
Right from the very beginning of God’s dealing with the Nation of Israel as the Hebrew people in the matter of the Spirit, what is preeminent? The blood! And you go back to Exodus chapter 12, what was that one thing that spared the Nation of Israel on the night of the death angel? The blood. Where? On the door frame. And for those Hebrews who had put that lamb’s blood on the three spots of the door frame, which again of course, formed the sign of the cross, there was complete safety. Without the blood, they were doomed. So the whole concept from the very beginning of the experience of the Nation of Israel is, you cannot make the first step toward God without the shedding of blood.

Okay, drop in at chapter 9 in Hebrews and verse 21.

The blood is the basis for everything in God’s dealing with man’s sin. It’s the price of redemption. But what is the price of mans entering into God's Salvation? Death, death of all pride or self-will, self-love and the spirit of the world or the prince of the power of the air. Which holds man in bondage under its sway or influence. Now I think before I go any further here, I’ve been saying over and over since we started Hebrews that we don’t have the plan of salvation per se in Hebrews like you do in Romans 10:9-10, or Corinthians for example. And some of the other places in Paul’s Epistles, like I Corinthians 11:23-32; 15:1-4, and I Thessalonians 4:14. Paul does not make as big a deal of the blood back in those church epistles as he does in Hebrews but that doesn’t mean he ignores it. He does make a Big issue of God's entry into Salvation as seen in Galatians and the first few lines of its introduction. When we rightly understand the power of God in Christ and His expression and meaning in the words therein spoken through Christ in Paul.

Let’s just go back and review a little bit. Come back with me to Romans chapter 3, and these great salvation verses, the likes of which, like I said, you won’t find in Hebrews. Hebrews is a special diet – if you really want to go in and just feast on some extraordinary things, then you go to Hebrews. But, for the plan of salvation, for the daily life of a Christian and so forth, then of course, we stay with Paul’s church epistles.

Romans 3:23
"For all
(the whole human race) have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Because we’re sons of Adam and Adam became a son of Satan or a Satan-child the moment he ate the fruit he died to God and became alive to Satan. Paul became what we may call militant in his nature and demeanor after his encounter with the Law, Grace, Truth and the Love of God in the person of the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. We can see this in what he said as recorded in Galatians 2 and verse 20, "it is NO longer I that live but it is rather the Spirit of Christ in me that now Lives His Life through me." paraphrased by me as this has also been my experience as well. Now verse 24, and here comes the promise!

Romans 3:24-25a
"Being justified freely by his grace through
(what?) the redemption (paying the price) that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God(the Father of spirits) hath set forth to be a propitiation (that’s a big word meaning ‘the place of sacrifice as well as THE sacrifice.’ He’s it all.) through faith in his (what?) blood,…"
Here it comes, see? The blood is the price of redemption. And when we place our trust in His death, burial and resurrection as our own then it is a given that we are also placing our faith in that shed blood as payment for our sin debt. For trust to become faith acquires a crisis then faith is developed through that trial or suffering, other wise it remains trust. The crisis is the means of entering His Salvation and is faced at the Lord's Passover just as it was in Egypt with the passover and the blood on the door frame and now at the same cross in actuality. In death of sin and the influence of evil and the devil or Satan. Now verse 26.

Romans 3:26
"To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus."

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