Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCXVIII

Hebrews 9:27
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the
(what?) judgment."
Nobody’s going to escape judgment except who? The true believers. See, the believer doesn’t necessarily have to face death before the judgment because some of us, we trust a lot of us, are going to see the departure! We’re not going to die. Paul says it. Let’s look at that in I Corinthians chapter 15 verse 51. I don’t want anybody to take my word for anything. Now this is not a contradiction of Scripture because the Scripture is not speaking of believers. But rather it’s speaking of the lost of the ages, those who remain in lawlessness and as we just saw those who are the obstacles and hindrance to the Gospel of Christ. As they have not passed through the eye of the needle through, Death. For with God all things are possible. These are they who are true believers as nothing will be able to shake or move them from their witness of Christ in them. All those who remain obstacles they’re all going to die and they’re all going to come up before the Great White Throne, but for us who are believers there will be some that won’t have to die, and I think we’re close enough that that I’m looking forward to it. I really think that unless the Lord takes me out ahead of time, I’m going to be hearing that trumpet call! I really believe that. Here Paul is writing to believers, as I said.

I Corinthians 15:51a
"Behold I show you a mystery;…"

Now right there is the answer to most people’s problems. They keep mixing all this stuff up (blending the old and the new as a obstacle and a hindrance) together and they will not recognize that Paul had certain things revealed to him that were kept secret. And nobody had any idea of these things until it was revealed to this apostle and this was one of them. This is something that God had kept secret until He revealed it to the Apostle Paul (Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us this). You won’t find it anywhere else in Scripture. Nowhere. From Genesis until Acts chapter 9 and from the little epistles, even in Hebrews, which was written to the Hebrews, all the way through the book of Revelation, there is not one hint of a group of people who will escape physical death (be changed from a terrestrial to a celestial body in a moment or atomic second because that is what the word twinkling of a eye means) nor see the wrath to come. Why? Because they're long gone and are seated with Christ and hid in God in the heavenliest place (in a spiritual state). Paul alone refers to it. All right, read on.

I Corinthians 15:51
"Behold I show you a mystery;
(or something that’s been kept secret) We shall not all sleep, (to die physically) but we shall all be changed." (to be transformed from a earthy to a heavenly body)
Well, that’s obvious isn’t it? If we’re not going to be changed through death and resurrection, then we’ll have to be changed by another miraculous act of God and that’s what He’s going to do at the departure. He’s suddenly going to change this physical body. How and why? The answer is simple we've all ready passed through a type of death and wrath's judgment in Christ, all which requires His faith operating in us. For He is faithful and He can not deny Himself. Now verse 52, how?

I Corinthians 15:52a
"In a moment.,
(in a nanosecond someone reminded me in Florida. That’s the smallest division of time, an atomic second, Peter also makes reference to it in 2Peter 3:10) in the twinkling (or the blink, the atomic second) of an eye, (we’ll be changed from this body to the new body one fit for the heavens. All right, and it’ll be at) the last trump:… (through the idea of quavering or reverberation)
Now I get people who try to tell me, "Well this is the last trumpet in Revelation." And I come right back and I say, "Now look, just analyze Scripture. Those trumpets in Revelation are seven in number and they are given to what kind of creatures? Angels. This trumpet is singular. And Who’s holding it? “God Himself!”

What a difference. I’m not waiting for the seven trumpets, I’m going to be long gone out of here before they start, but I am waiting for the trumpet call. Oh, I pray every morning, Lord sound the trumpet because it’s not going to get any better. Now I know for people who have loved ones that are still lost, that’s hard to do, but nevertheless, we might as well recognize the fact, things are not going to get better. It’s going to get worse. I read a shocking thing the other day. And again, I almost hate to repeat it but it was from a reputable weekly news magazine that said since the tragedy of September 11th – 800,000 Americans have converted to Islam. Now that’s enough to shake us at our boots, isn’t it? Islam could be the black plague and rider of Revelation chapter 6 verse 5 because it has a scale or balance in his hands which in scripture indicates government and religion are weighed in the balance.

Eight hundred thousand just since September have converted TO, not away from, Islam. And it’s taking over the world. Well, that's why we pray for the last trump.

I Corinthians 15:52b
"…for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,
(it’d be the dead in Christ) and we shall be changed."
We're not going to die and be raised from the dead. We’re going to be changed if this takes place in this lifetime. And the reason is that nobody can go on to Glory until this old flesh of "corruption puts on the incorruptible." The process of this is also a mystery which God held in Himself, because it is only learned by those who become one with Him through the required process, God's Will and Christ's purpose, which is death. Death of self-love, ego, self-will and death to the ways of the worlds spirit of lawlessness held by blindness.

I Corinthians 15:53
"For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality."

Now let’s come back to Hebrews chapter 9 – Paul’s reference of death and judgment is not a reference to the believer, but rather to the unbeliever, the lawless. And remember that’s the vast majority of people, even those claiming to be “Christians”. Here's what is glazed over by billions of Bible students, there were two whom God took out as recorded in scripture and they are Enoch and Elijah as they both walked with God and were no more. And since Christ's death who are those who walk with God none other than those who have heard and done as He has been doing.

Hebrews 9:27
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"

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