Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCXI

Hebrews 9:15
"And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament,
(covenant) that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, (covenant) they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance."
Well now, I think I've asked, "How long is eternity?" You remember, it’s as long as God lives! Eternity is as long as God will live. And that’s how long? Forever and ever. All right, so this whole transaction then of the Cross, the shed blood, has made possible an eternal inheritance. This is the promise given to Abraham when he was told to count the stars of heaven, if he could number them. The term heaven means the spiritual realm and that spiritual realm is called the Israel of God as it is made up of those who walk in the fashion of Abram's trust and Jesus Christ's faith. It is in Christ's faith that He carries us through the veil of His flesh, water and blood into the presence of God. The place of Adams first beginnings before he fell into darkness (lawlessness) and sin in death to God the Father of spirits.

Andrew Murray in his book titled "The Two Covenants and the Second Blessing" in chapter 4 speaks of our being as little children sitting in a classroom quietly and without fidgeting and in our case we're sitting under God listening with a receptive heart. For this is the meaning of Jeremiah chapter 31: 33-34 where he says "for, for they shall all know me." "The word for shows that this is the reason of all that precedes. Because the blood of this New Covenant was of such infinite and intrinsic worth, and its Mediator and High Priest in heaven of such Divine power, there is promised in it such a Divine blotting out of sin that God cannot remember it. It is this entire blotting out of sin that cleanses and sets us free from its power, so that God can write His law in our hearts, and show Himself in power as our God, and by His Spirit reveal to us His deep things---the deep mystery of Himself and His love. It is the atonement and redemption of Jesus Christ wrought without us and for us, that has removed every obstacle and made it meet for God, and made us meet, that the law in the heart, and the claim on our God, and the knowledge of Him, should now be our daily life and our eternal portion.

Here we now have the Divine summary of the New Covenant inheritance. The last-named blessing, the pardon of sin, is the first in order, the root of all. The second, having God as our God, and the third, the Divine teaching, are the fruit. The tree itself that grows on this root, and bears such fruit, is what is named first---the law in the heart.

The central demand of the Old Covenant, Obey My voice, and I will be your God, has now been met. With the law written in the heart, He can be our God, and we shall be His people. Perfect harmony with God's will, holiness in heart and life, is the only thing that can satisfy God's heart or ours. And it is this the New Covenant gives in Divine power, "I will give them an heart to know Me; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people; for they shall turn to me with their whole heart." It is on the state of the heart, it is on the new heart, as given by God, that the New Covenant life hinges.”

And what is it that hinders us from this Life experience? Nothing short of unbelief. And the fact that the churches of our time don't train or teach these things nor does it any longer hold them dear and close to heart.

Hebrews 9:16
"For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator."

Now you know, I had to look at a couple of commentators. And, as I’ve said for years back, I didn’t pay too much attention to commentators and sure enough, here again, one said one thing and the other one said another. So, which one am I supposed to believe? The one said that the word testament was totally out of order. It should be covenant all the way through, because testament was the Greek and the Roman concept. Whereas, covenant was the Hebrew concept. Well, that makes sense. But on the other hand, the other fellow came back and said testament is the right word because we are under a different set of circumstances than the covenants made back in the Old Testament. And remember they were but one built upon through each person that it was given until Israel came about through Jacob. So there again, see, you just almost have to flip it in the air and take your pick. Now what matters is how does God see it? He gave the words to the prophets of old so His word is what matters and not that of a natural man in his opinion. We need the help of our succor in order to gain the understanding. Think on this, it all depends as the benefit of our benefactor for it His working from the Heavenliest now restored within us. In the power of the Holy Spirit who is given us at our conversion to bring us to Good's intended Salvation in which He perfects the image and likeness of Christ again within or seeing that Christ is the Law He under takes to emboss Him on our hearts and minds.

Hebrews 9:17
For a testament
(as we refer to it, as the last will and testament) is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth."
Well, that’s understandable in our economy isn’t it? We know that if you have a last will and testament laying in your bank box or in your safe at home, it’s of no use. It doesn’t have any power until when? When you die. Then when you die, that becomes the law and by that they will establish the settling of your estate.

All right, so this is what I guess here in verse 17 is what it’s referring to, that Christ could not fulfill these promises made to us in the human race until He first died as the everlasting one or as the end of days as referred to in the Old Covenant. As He was the one upon whom He had sworn by or on Himself as the no greater one. As found in Hebrews 6:13 "For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee." Which takes us back to Genesis 22:15-18 as we saw earlier. Now verse 18

Hebrews 9:18
"Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood."

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