Thursday, January 31, 2013

How or rather why is it that so many believe the lie?

This has bothered me for more years than I care to think about. Because you see I care a great deal about those who profess to be something they by their own admittance are not. The trouble is that they don't know that they have admitted to be lairs by their own words and actions.

The other thing that has caused me great pain is the fact that when I would see a person come to redemption that there were NOT any to render aid and comfort to them. Oh! They would go out and become a member of one group or another and many times would change from one group to another. But they would never come to a knowledge of Him with whom they have claimed association or taken His name. I've sought to help and aid those in positions of leadership but they to have failed to make the mark.

I saw within God's word that those to whom much has been given much is required and that those in such a position will carry the blood of those under them on their own hands, should they fail to enter God's kingdom. This for years kept me from doing any thing more than to offer aid, but sadly none would accept it, or Him who lives His life through me. So many there are who believe a lie or as the Apostle to the gentiles said, another gospel which is no gospel at all. As there are many forms of a gospel but only One True Gospel, which Is Christ. Yes! He is the Gospel. As His Gospel in Living and full of His Life, just as He is the personification of the New Covenant, who lives forever.

This is what caused the above to be said: Definition of stupid: Knowing the Truth, Seeing the Truth, but still believing the lie.

Many who are in snared in and by Religion fall into this class because they've never come out from among them. They are in the habit of practicing all sorts of iniquity which has become wickedness since the cross and resurrection and ascension of Christ Jesus. The term "from among them" relates to Egypt and the paganism of the worlds church or religious systems which is typified by the old testament Egypt under the Pharaohs. However religion had its roots in the garden and the eating of the forbidden fruit when Adam was separated from God by death which brought about sin, the character of Satan in mans soul/spirit or heart of flesh. Up until then God was seated in mans soul/spirit or heart as his wisdom and life force as found in the light which caused life to become in the beginning. Before the first day became. And John the Apostle in chapter one reveals that this Light of Life is Christ as He is also called the Light of man. And the Light was called into the earth to bring life out of deadness, chaos, the lack of life sustaining ability in the earth that was void and lifeless. From the moment of mans death man began to love the darkness, sin ie...religion more than the light which brings Life to fallen mankind. Yes, by this we can see that sin is equated to religion as in chapter three of Genesis we find that God provides for mans covering by the use of the skin of an animal who gave its blood (death for life). We also find the promise of a redeemer to come in mans flesh to give his life for the many as the seed of woman in verse fifteen as the one who would bruise the serpents (venomous snake, ie...religion as a snake on a pole, to break cover, to lie) heads and the serpent would sting or bruise his heel (to step on liers, step on religion).

From here now we can begin to see why God had Moses to raise the cross with the brass serpent wrapped around its top as seen in: Numbers 21:8-9 "And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived." Now we have to remember also that Israel was in rebellion during this period of time as well. For they had lost their love of God just as Enoch and Jasher said they would and Deuteronomy also bears witness to these.

Remember that Jesus said, that He came for the lost sheep of Israel and that does NOT include the nations or what is referred to as gentiles or even the church. The lost sheep are and were just that, lost. Because they had broken the covenants, the Law and commandments, oracles, ordinances and regulations imposed on them by God. To teach them His ways and obedience to Him. They did not reform even with Moses, they remained stiff-necked and hardhearted because they like so many of our day did not know that they were full of the devil. They had his nature or character because they were sinners not because they sinned but because that was their nature from birth. For from the moment that Adam chose to eat of the fruit mankind was in sin, the every nature of Satan, they have his character. By his eating of the fruit he and all mankind became a son of Satan. That is why we're to receive the circumcision of the heart. The removal of that evil character and its related love of religion, self-sufficiency, which is darkness and death. Death because when understood it simply means to be separated from God. That is why those who die in that death state go instantly to the lake of fire and torment until the day of Judgment and then the second death. Which is eternal, eternally separated from God and His Love.

Here's what another book no longer in the Bible reveals about this: Now here's what Enoch says about the lost sheep of Jacobs lineage in chapter eighty-eight here Enoch sees this: there was scene a white cow, born to Noah's lineage, who was Abraham in type, who has a white cow and a wild ass born to him. Now we know that the wild ass is Ishmael and the white cow would then be Isaac. Now to Isaac is born a black wild sow, Esau and a white sheep, Jacob. Then it tells us that sheep brought forth twelve sheep and those are his sons. And that one of his sons would be delivered to the Ishmaelites, the wild asses, and these asses would deliver this sheep to the wolves ie..Egyptians.

Now what we need to understand is this not all the lost sheep were in the lower kingdom but they were in the upper kingdom as well. And that from the first captivity many were also scattered among the many nations surrounding Israel ie...the lower kingdom. Who's capital city was Jerusalem. As the harlot it suffered God's judgment because she rejected the offer of the New Covenant in Christ and was thusly destroyed in 70 AD as foretold by Daniel (chapter 9 and 12) and the other prophets.

God also tells us in Deuteronomy many things less known or understood like chapter 30 verse 6: "the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live." Now we can return to chapter 29 and verse 29: "The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law (now here the word law means teaching in the way one is to go in life)." We could look at all the things that were to come upon Israel if she remained in unbelief and hardheartedness but that would take allot of time and space. But suffice it that Paul says in Romans chapter eleven and verse 25 that God has given them over to a deceptive spirit to believe the lie (Rom 11:25 "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.") now back to verses 7-8: "What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;[Duet. 29:4, Isaiah 6:9, Jeremiah 5:21 and then Ezekiel 12:2] unto this day." Notice He had to only give them a partial blindness. Why? Because they already had a stiffneckness of heart. For Paul goes on to say in verses 9-10: "David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway." Their table here relates to the religion of Judaism which was seen as a snare or trap and a stumbling block for them. Long before Jesus came on the scene and brings this to its head during His administration of Daniel's three and a half year period of chapter nine as seen in verses 24-27 but had there beginning up earlier therein.

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