Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCC

Picking up with Romans 3:23 where we left off:

Romans 3:23
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

Now what I'm about to say and reveal to many will sound strange and maybe a little bit deep or spiritual or even heavenly minded to the extreme but never the less here goes. Glenda and I have been studying Revelation and sometime ago I asked God to make it clear to us. Because like every one else we could see something in it that others seemed to over look or miss entirely because of their religious convictions. And as we've said we finally got the message to come out from among them in accord with 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 and especially after October 30th 2007 when the Lord gave me an understanding of Galatians 2:20 by way of an open eyed vision. That is it was not a day dream or night dream but a visual revelation a graphic illustration. But it doesn’t stop there. The Lord led us to many writers of old who He had used to open up His revelation through including such men as Andrew Murray, Major W. Ian Thomas and more recently James A. Fowler who said that Major Ian Thomas was his mentor.
Well James has many Commentaries written that reveal the truth of God verses Religion and Christ verses Religion and the ongoing battle of these forces. Now here's where I, we deviate some what from the norm if you will. Glenda and I have because of this new understanding of Christ and in answer to His question of me back in August 14th of 2007 when He asked me in an audible voice "are you willing to take my yoke upon you and learn of me?' to which I responded Yes, LORD! And He turned our world inside out and upside down from that moment on. To the point of the vision just related to you.
Well its from here then that I must say this about the verse above quoted, in the "for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" this reaches all the way back to the original sin of Adam and his becoming one with Satan, yes, one with Satan! I want this to sink in because you see not many understand or acknowledge this reality of fact. When Adam ate of the fruit he was instantly separated from being one with God (Yehovah-Christ) to being one with the ontological essence of Satan or sin and sin equates to Religion as it is religion that fills the void of Christ in mans soul/spirit. Man was created by his creator Yehovah to be a receptive and dependent being. Receiving his direction and the character of his creator. But when man was deceived he took on receptivity from another spiritual source and Satan's character became mans. That being said the "for all have sinned" can be worded as "for all have religion" because religion derives its source from Satan. Even when the word "Law" is used it can be written or said "that religion works through the Law."
How or why? because the Latin word meaning religion is religare and religare is to hold in bondage or to hinder, to tie down. And when the Hebrew children were in Egypt they were held in bondage to religion, the paganism of Egypt. The plagues were all used of God to reveal the spiritual reality of those pagan gods and His power over all forms of such.
But what did the Hebrews do shortly after their Exodus they reverted back to religion or sin and made the golden calf and worth-shipped it. Yehovah God wanted to set them free from religion back then but because of an evil heart ie...soul/spirit that was in them and influenced them. He could not accomplish what was in His heart to do, they would not allow Him to be their God.
And this is the record of their idolatrous history just as it has become mans ie..religions from the ascension on as recorded in Acts. And Paul's ministry revealing this fact and Truth.
And then John's Revelation revealed to him just as it was to Daniel, the prophets and Paul and others. The action of God and Christ Jesus the risen and victorious Lord and King verses the workings of religion and Satan.
Then with this understanding we become ourselves and begin to see and hear just what the scriptures are saying about this conflict of God verse evil, sin and religions working within the hearts of redeemed and unredeemed man. And what Paul means when he said 'in the hearts of the disobedient'. But it doesn’t stop there. You move right into the next verse and here we have that glorious hope of salvation that is extended to every human being, none excepted - and that is that we are justified by His Grace through redemption (a crisis comes and we're faced with a decision to accept God's revelation, in the likeness of His death, burial, resurrection and ascension as a seed, to receive His Life).

Romans 3:24
"Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:"

Being justified by His Grace, His benefit as our benefactor! God didn’t have to do this, but He did. So now we are justified freely by His Grace through redemption, or the process of paying our sin debt, that is in (laid upon) Christ Jesus. Christ is Grace in action restored within our hearts through the process of the cross's mystery or secret thing hid within the heart of God. The exchanging of the fallen nature or character of evil, ie...Satan to the new, the character of God restored within us by the ontological essence of Christ in resurrection power, Newness of Life. For the God head was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. When the Holy Spirit was given to man, to indwell mans soul/spirit the very thing He wasn't allowed to do until Christ's vicarious death and resurrection and ascension to return a Life giving Spirit. Because man with sin and death, ie...religion within him could not become born again any other way mans condition had to be removed, destroyed in order for the exchange to take effect and hold on his heart, that is his soul/spirit within him. The operation of entering into the promised New Covenant. New Covenant, because the Old was broken by religion and mans adherence to it. By or through the son's of disobedience, the Hebrews and all those bond by religion and government in its many forms. Just as the risen LORD revealed to Daniel but he was told to seal up the small book, ie...keep it secret until the end of its time would come. As revealed in chapter 9 and others of Daniel, where the judgment of religion and mans government is revealed which agrees with Psalm 2:1-9, the Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Hosea and John's Revelation. For where every sin abounds religion abounds as well. Now verse 25.

Romans 3:25
"Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood,
(that shed, atoning blood of the cross and our having passed through the blood in death, the at-oneness or at-onement) to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;"
We've looked in depth at the word atonement, at-onement before so we'll not do it here. But to say this it agrees with what we've said above. And verse 26 is the verse I wanted to come to for "of just men made perfect" back in Hebrews. How? Paul says, at this time, that the righteousness of Christ, and because He, as the righteous One, has finished the work of redemption - He died the death that every sinner is required to pass through as He died for all. Paul saw it and those who become children of God see it and accept and receive it as well, as their own. Not our will but His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Romans 3:26
"To declare, I say, at this time his
(God's) righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus."

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