Friday, June 7, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 16 of 39 part 3

Picking back up with our thought on why the disciples did not progress past the nation, house of Israel and to the nations or gentiles as Paul does, we find that.

They knew they couldn't because the commandment was, "Go only to the lost sheep of Israel." Why? Because of that covenant promise that we read earlier in Genesis chapter 12. Remember only the nation of Israel was under that covenant promise, only in the literal since. That they were called sheep throughout the Old Testament and He couldn't abrogate that. Now the Gentiles were called cows some of them were white (the spiritual ones, Shems line), red cows (earthy, those of Japheths line) and black cows (evil, those of Hams line). That's free information at no charge to you. He, Jesus couldn't break that covenant that He had made with the nation of Israel, through Abram who was given the name Abraham which means God's gracious one, or through whom Grace would come, so that is why He gave that command. For in Christ is found the end of days, the last days, the ever lasting one, as the for ever of all promised or covenanted. Then the next one we use so well in the same regard, is found in Matthew chapter 15. Here He's confronted by a Gentile lady out of the coast of Tyre and Sidon , and let's just drop down to verse 21.

Matthew 15:21-22
"Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. And, behold, a woman
(look at Psalm 45:12 and then Ezekiel 3:6) of Canaan (a Gentile, a non-Jew) came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil."
Oh what a perfect opportunity for Jesus to show His power. Wasn't it? Yeah it was. But did He? No, not at first. So what was the answer Jesus gave her?

Matthew 15:23a
"But he answered her not a word...."

He simply ignores her. Now we find that hard to believe, but we had better believe the Word for that's what it says. And the reason He ignores her again, is because He was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel. For He was to be Israel's redemption or propitiation, the close of all, as the last of days, the for ever of promise within Himself. You all know the verse in John's gospel, we don't even have to look at it. "He came unto His own, (which was Israel) but His own received Him not." (And then of course that opens the door for the Gentiles.) But in His earthly ministry He ministered only to His covenant people. For He was their bread and promised newness of life in the new covenant which He was about to bring into being again within Himself through "Faith's" receptivity of Grace's activity in all that is Truth. For He told them that only those who would receive His would worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. Because of the promise given Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Only those who were citizens of the commonwealth of Israel. Only those who knew what it was to have a Messiah, as we saw in Ephesians chapter 2. Now reading on about this lady who was crying after them.

Matthew 15:23b
"... And his disciples
(the same twelve that He commanded not to go to the Gentiles) came and besought him, saying. Send her away, for she crieth after us."
Send her away because you've commanded us not to minister to the Gentiles. See, that's what all this boils down to. Send her away she's a nuisance, she's a pest, everywhere we go here she is crying after us. She's just a dog after all!

Matthew 15:24
"But he answered and said,
(to her) I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
Now isn't that plain? And most people don't know why He said that. He said that because He came to fulfill those Old Testament covenants, and promises to the sheep of His pasture and He couldn't break those covenants. He was the Law embodied so He couldn't break it either, just as He was the words spoken to Israel through His called out ones the Prophets. But being the God of creation, the One who wouldn't bend to pressure like most people would, He could tell it like it was. "I am not sent but unto (My covenant people) the lost sheep of the house of Israel." The lost sheep of Israel, though they didn't know they were lost. Just as the ninety and nine left to fend for themselves when the shepherd went to find the one who knew it was lost in His parable on this matter reveals (Mark 6:34, Luke 15:4). They had wondered out from under the tutor or out of the corral of the Law and Prophets and into idolatry. Of course this lady wouldn't take no, for an answer, and we guess we can take a lesson from this. She had pleased her total trust in Him and this is revealed by her persistence. Then let's look in verse 25.

Matthew 15:25
"Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me."

And He answered again in so many words, "I can't do anything for you." Looking at the Scriptures, what does He say? But before we move on, what has she revealed about herself here? her trust in Him as her Lord that is to say her Master. And we'll see this again in the Light of the Lord's Supper which we'll cover in another teaching possibly in God Has One Way for Us All our other blog spot under

Matthew 15:26
"But he answered and said, It is not meet
(right, and proper) to take the children's (Israel's) bread, and to cast it to dogs (the Gentiles)."
Now in Jewish sight the uncircumcised Gentiles were the same as dogs. So the Lord, says, "I can't take that which belongs to my covenant people, (the sheep, the children of Israel) and give it to you Gentiles (dogs and cows)." He just couldn't do it, because it would run contrary to the very mind of God when He made the covenant with Abraham. So He couldn't, His hands were tied. But on the flip side, like He did when He sent Jonah to Nineveh, and He brought Rahab off the wall of Jericho, He could, being Sovereign, make an exception. But He couldn't make it a blanket act and include all Gentiles. If He had it would have just simply destroyed the Scriptures, but He could make an exception. And so He finally gives in when she comes back in verse 27.

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