Thursday, June 20, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 18 of 39 part 4

We're talking about the fact that through Christ all of humanity or the sons of the first Adam have been pardoned of their sin nature, all of humanity from even Adam on through the last human baby born of woman has the capability of receiving Redemption in Christ. This we know to be true through our own consciousnesses because of the seed of Christ though buried within our soul reveals this to be. Saul of Tarsus as a man fervent in zeal to do away with those of "the Way" was asked why he kicked against the pricks by the risen Lord on the road to Damascus. The picks was the witness of his consciousness that he was in the wrong and doing evil even through it was condoned by his religious counter parts in the Sanhedrin.

All right now come on this side of the cross. The Hebrews have been broken off of that root and fatness of Abraham, and who's been grafted in? The Gentile world. Don't just look at Romans chapter 11 as for believers. We feel it's the whole Gentile world that has been put in that place of privilege. Because of the parental head, Adam to whom the promise and vow to us was first spoken and then in Christ as the second Adam and now pour parental head we now stand. And my what a privilege. They can have a knowledge of salvation if they want it. But does that make every Gentile a believer? Of course not. It still has to be a choice by faith. Do you see that?

One of the beauties now is that the Body of Christ is being formed even though they're resting on the root and fatness of Abraham, it's now a combination of Hebrew and Gentile believers, who by faith have received Him. Oh the Hebrew must come the same way as the Gentiles now and that's faith in the finish work of the cross for salvation through the same gate, the garden cup in which no knows its contents, God's Will and the cross of death. The entry point into the New Covenant of Eternal Life in Christ Jesus. But now, in this age of Grace there are both Hebrew and Gentile coming together into the One Body of Christ and there is no enmity. The only enmity that remains remains on those who have heard and then refuse to accept the revealed Truth. And the sad thing is this, these people are those who make up the worlds religion and worship systems of man because they are trying to enforce theirs and mans morality by self effort. For when the flesh is crucified there can be NO enmity between God and man nor between man and man for we all are of One, one Spirit, one Love, one Faith, one Lord and one Body in the all in all.

We have a Jewish couple who are believers that live in Cleveland here with us. When we're with them we have such sweet fellowship. They believe like we do, and we're one in the Body of Christ. Brenda came up to me and said, "Now, I'm a Jewish believer, does that mean I won't go in the Rapture when you go because I'm Jewish? we said "Heavens no! I mean if you're in the Body of Christ then we'll all go together whether you're Jew or Gentile." There is that immediate affinity between Hebrew and Gentiles when we're in the Body of Christ, it's just that simple. Now coming back to the text here in Ephesians, and this is what Paul is hammering home. Once we enter into this salvation experience, we enter in through the blood of Christ. We enter in into that resurrection power, we can be united with all races of people from every country in the world, it doesn't matter because we're One in Christ. Now verse 17.

Ephesians 2:17a
"And came and preached peace to you which were afar off,..."
Who was far off? The Gentiles. Oh they were so far off they couldn't even comprehend God. But all of a sudden they're brought to a place where they have access and an opportunity for salvation because of the work of Redemption what is given to all. Now they have the same opportunity as the Hebrew had at salvation in the Old Testament economy. So let's read the verse again.

Ephesians 2:17
"And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, (the Gentiles, no not necessarily so because even the Hebrews were in that state at the time, though unknown to them) and to them that were nigh." (the Hebrews, see) See He doesn't ignore the Hebrews during this Age of Grace. This again to the break between verse 8 and 9 of Psalm 2 our timetable of God's working among us. The only thing the Hebrew now must come to salvation the same as the Gentile, and that's by believing Paul's Gospel. Now verse 18.

Ephesians 2:18
"For through him we both have access by one (Holy, Christ's ontological essence) Spirit unto the Father."

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