Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 19 of 39 part 6

It's all by Grace, Christ the Spirit, just as in the beginning Genesis 3:15. The fulfillment of promise first given or spoken to the first son of God, Adam. This is Good News!

The other argument that we sometimes get, and praise the Lord we don’t get many. We get very few arguments, and when we do get an argument its usually over water baptism. And in every instance the party will try to make it sound that if you’re not baptized in water, then you can’t be saved. When we say, back in answer that this is what Paul has said, then they’ll come right back and say, "But we go by what the Bible says, not what Paul says, or we use the whole Bible, we don’t just use Paul. Or our church teaches this or that about it!"
Well if that be the case, and you’re going to argue that you do what the whole Bible says then we take those right back to Leviticus chapter 5. This is a fun exercise, it really is, because it says it so plainly. Now we could use any other portion of the Old Testament, but this one says it so clearly, and it’s not real deep theologically. It’s just an everyday possibility for anyone of us. 

Leviticus 5:1-2
"And if a soul (or person) sin, and hear the voice of swaring, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it: if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity. (he has to tell the priest what someone has said or he’s guilty) Or if a soul (or person) touch any unclean thing, whether it be a carcass of an unclean beast, or a carcass of unclean cattle, or the carcass of unclean creeping things, and if it be hidden from him; he also shall be unclean, and guilty. Now down to verse 5. 

Leviticus 5:5-6
"And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one of these things, that he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing: And he shall (that’s a command) bring his trespass offering unto the LORD for his sin which he that sinned, a female from the flock, a lamb, or a kid of the goats for a sin offering: and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his sin."
Now do you know what to say? That’s what the Bible says. Isn’t it? Just as plain as day. Do we bring a sacrificial offering when we touch anything dead? No! Does God expect us to do it? No! Why? Because this was Law. This is all part of what Moses instructed Israel, and we’re not under that economy or dispensation. But we’re under the economy of Grace with the Apostle Paul. So when people say we go by what all the Bible says, they get their foot in their mouth before they can turn around, because there are so many things back here that cannot be done today. So what’s the difference? We’ve got to separate Law from Grace. If we don't we're violating the New Covenant of promise (this promise is in Genesis 3:15, which by the way supersedes all others) and by that become guilty of both the cross and the blood of Christ. And are more an enmity to God then the Hebrews ever were under their first economy.

Paul will never tell you that if you touch something dead, you go and offer a sacrifice some place does he? No! So always keep these things straight that when we say we have to listen to the Apostle Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles (Romans 11:13), that doesn’t mean we don’t read the rest of Scripture. That doesn’t mean it isn’t profitable - of course it is, because it shows us the very mind of a Holy God. It shows us what it was like to live under the yoke of bondage, (and as we've shared elsewhere the deception of the Priest's as instruments of Satan,) which was what the Law really was and still is. It’s what Peter called it in Acts chapter 15, and it’s what Paul called it in Galatians. It was a yoke of bondage, a burden to heavy to carry but now under Paul’s teaching of Grace, we’ve been set free from all that. The whole world has been Redeemed and brought back to a place of righteousness but sadly few know it. Now coming back to Ephesians chapter 3 for a split second, and we used some of this earlier, but let it sink in. It’s so important!

Ephesians 3:2
"If ye have heard of the dispensation (the economy, the administration, this is the parenthetical period between verses 8 and 9 of Psalm 2) of the grace of God (and like we’ve shown that Law came to Israel through Moses. How in the world did the doctrines of Grace get to the Gentiles? Well the next part of the verse tells us) which is given me to you-ward:"
Do you see what that says? You have no idea how many times we’ve had someone at my now famous kitchen table, and I will tell them this very concept, that all of our doctrines of Grace come from Paul. They’ll always say, "Well where do you get that?" Well here’s one good example, and this is just one. They’ll read that verse, and say, "I don’t see what you’re getting at." Then we come back and say, "Well then you didn’t read it." And they always come back with, "Yeah I did!!" So we have them read it as many times as it takes, usually about 3 or 4 times, and then they normally say, "Oh! I never saw that before!" We dare say there are multitudes just exactly like that. And here it is, "The dispensation of this Grace of God which was given to Paul, and Paul through inspiration and by the Grace of God has brought it to us Gentiles.” The Light of revelation has finally downed in the heart.

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