Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 16 of 39 part 4

We're looking at Matthew chapter 15 and verse 27 which says this:

Matthew 15:27
"And she said, Truth, Lord; yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table."

Now the Hebrews were to have been the influence on the gentile world as the head and not the tail which they became. Because of unbelief and therefore Jesus as the Master foundational builder which all the old titles of His character reveal of Him and that which He is in the process of revealing by way of parables, metaphoric illustration as the bread of life, vine, tree, Life itself, wine and blood are but symbols of that which He'll soon consummate and then inaugurate at His Last meal with His disciples. Why did He use this way of speaking? To keep hidden from view of the natural unredeemed carnally and literal minded and from those who have first enter the first estate of redemption, wherein we receive the first blessing of the Holy Spirit as our deposit, who is our trainer in the way of righteousness. And as we've some time ago we commented on this verse, and we made the allusion to Psalm chapter 23. And what is in Psalm chapter 23 in regard to a table.

Psalms 23:5a
"Thou preparest a table before me..."

Well what was the table? In the reference to the king who went away on a journey is a reference to God (verse 14) so is the table God's alter of worship (Matthew 25). Which the mercy-seat was to be before the Hebrews. But with the advent of Christ this mercy-seat is now the cross where upon those who have not Christ are unworthy to share of its meats. So it was God's table from which Israel feasted. It was a spiritual allegory, but nevertheless only Israel could feast at God's table. The place of worship and of sacrifice. And it's the same analogy here. She says, "I know I can't eat from Israel's table, but can't I have some of the crumbs that fall off the edge?" And that of course got to the Lord, and let's look at what He said.

Matthew 15:28
"Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt, And her daughter was made whole from that very hour."

Now that was one of the exceptions that the Lord made concerning ministering to Gentiles. There was only one other throughout His whole three and one half years of ministry, and that was the Roman Centurion. He also gave into that one, but other than those two, you can't find one instance in this Book that Jesus ministered to Gentiles. Before we move to the Passover in John chapter 12, what else is here revealed, can you see it? The woman's faith is a trigger of that which He came to bring about through the meal now just a few days or weeks away. In fact, while we're on this subject, come on over to John's gospel chapter 12, and we have much the same kind of situation. The crowds of Hebrews are gathering from all over the then known world for the feast of Passover. The very same Passover at which He's going to be crucified, and these are the days leading up to it.

John 12:20-21
"And there were certain Greeks
(still another word for Gentiles but these were half breeds or of an inter racial marriage, who chose Judaism) among them that came up to worship at the feast: The same (these Greeks) came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, (one of the twelve) and desired him, saying, 'Sir, we would see Jesus.'"
Just stop and mull these things over. The Gentile world though moving through Jerusalem during the Feast days, they had no part in them because they were there only as merchants, that is to say businessmen and women. People are no different today than they were then. It was common knowledge of all those miracles and wonders that this Jesus of Nazareth was performing. We remind people that all the miracles and wonders that are recorded in Scripture are just the sampling. Goodness sake don't think for a moment that that was all of His miracles and wonders. Because as John ends his gospel what does he say? But to remain affixed to them is to remain literal and therefore apart from Him.

John 21:25
"And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. A-men."

But here the Gentiles and those of the mixed blood had no doubt been hearing about this man Jesus, and all of His miracles, and so they were curious. They wanted to see this One who could do these things. Philip remembered what the commandment had been concerning Gentiles, and had second thoughts. Why would he have had second thoughts, because those of a mixed blood were in a lower state then the common gentiles. But on the other hand nobody likes to take full responsibility for something like this so Philip sort of passes the buck over to Andrew. Let's look at the next verse.

John 12:22
"Philip cometh and telleth Andrew:
(and can't you just read between the lines their conversation, because they both knew the commandment that Jesus Himself had given them as we just saw in Matthew 10:5. So they say to each other well let's at least ask Him) and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus."
Well what did they tell Him? There are Gentiles out there and they want to talk to you. Now does Jesus say, 'Bring them in'? No way! What does He do? He gives them the reason why they can't and a little bite more if we have ears to hear. It's just that simple as you'll see in the next verse.

John 12:23-24
"And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come,
(remember there's only a day or two before the crucifixion) that the Son of man should be glorified. Verily, verily, I say unto you, (here comes the whole format of revelation for salvation for all who would choose and receive Christ) Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground, and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."

What was He talking about? His own death, His burial, like planting the seed, and when the seed is in the ground, what does it do? It dies! And as a result of the death of that seed, new life comes forth. It's the whole format of our entering salvation. Not redemption but rather the salvation which is still hidden from them and the world in general. That when Christ died and was buried, and rose from the dead, that's when new life erupts. In fact now let us take you to Romans chapter 6. We didn't intend to do any of this, but one thing leads to another, so we'd better just follow. And this ties so beautifully with what Jesus just said in John chapter 12, at least it does in our mind. Remember what it said here in John?

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