Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 28 of 39 part 3

Yesterday, I posted in this blog, the heading of our new ministry. A ministry of God and Christ's development within both my wife and me, a ministry in the Grace, Truth, Love and Revelation of Christ's Spirit restored within man.
A ministry of service to all, from reconciliation on through preservation, as we all work out this calling of God to allow Him to do and be All in all, that He so richly wants and desires, for those who have taken on His name.
We are here as a support team because when we all share in each others growth and stability we are in effect the Holy Spirit's aid and helper, in one on one and face to face support, and become a team.
We, through the years of seeking God for God and His perfect Will, found that the churches lacked this kind of ministry, through no fault of their own but rather because they lacked God's Holy Spirit. This did not become obvious to us until we understood what the LORD had been telling us to do, when He called us to "come out from among them" and then we did it. It was a bold move on our part because we had been taught that we are to be part of a local church. A place to "give tithes" and fellowship. Which boiled down to nothing but mere religious performance and feigned love.
This, by the way, took us over 20 years of wandering around and wondering why we did not connect, try as we did to connect with the church, and to understand God's calling us out. The last time He told us to come out from among them, we got it!!! We did just that and have not looked back since. 
This happened the third time between 2005 and 2007 during a tribulation season, where we again lost everything, our home, business, friends, income, and those things we had counted on, in the fleshly realm for our sustenance. Christ Jesus never once left us nor turned His back toward us and His ontological essence has been our companion and guide and the revealer of Christ's mysteries, ever since we acted on His word.
This is why we do what we do and say what He directs us to share, this is His outreach through us, His servants. So we are NOT alone, we have Him and then we have each other, as we learn Christ and grow in knowledge of Christ. As long as we remain children in receptivity of His activity, by His faith.
When those who profess to be called by His name will surrender and set their own designs and desires aside, and resist the fear, not of God but, rather of change, yes CHANGE!! Then God can move in and be Who He wants to be within us all. Our churches unwittingly operate on and promote fear of change because it thrives on doubt and discord, disbelief, mistrust, strife and contentions of all kinds. These are the currents which flow within it. Which we can see through those who attend on a regular basis and they are not even aware of it.

Ephesians 4:15

"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ."

We hope we have taught you well. Whenever you see the word "Truth" what is another word that you can put in place of it? Christ! Yes Christ Jesus Himself! He is Truth. He is the Spirit of Truth, just as He is Grace and Love. Another word for the Truth is this Gospel, found in 1Corinthians 15:1-4 and in Romans 10:4, 6-13. You know we are beginning to see more and more people use those verses when they want to express the Gospel. Have you noticed it? So Truth, is Christ, and Christ is the Gospel because all three are absolute Truth! So look at it that way in the text.

Ephesians 4:15

"But speaking the truth in love,..."

With the idea of causing a controversy, or argument, NO! but rather in the spirit of love we are supposed to be sharing this Gospel with a lost world and yes, the unbelieving, who are even within the churched. The people are bound up like a calf in a Rodeo, when it is let loose and the rider, cowboy, with the lariat ropes it and then dismounts and ties three of the legs of this calf up and do not even know it. What are they bound with first fear, yes! fear of change and then a lack of knowledge. These two working in harmony deceive those so trapped in Religion a Religion that is NOT of God's design or doing. Just as Israel had unbelief and those in disbelief and yes even the agnostics who attended religiously the many Sabbaths. We are to get so skilled with this Gospel and supporting Scriptures that when we get out into the work-a-day world we will be able to share in a moment if the occasion arises. The truth of Christ and His being within us, this is often only known because of His Grace, when in its development stages it causes us and those around us discomfort in a world of sin.

Have you ever been to say, a pharmacy to pick up a prescription, and have say, a young mother with a super hyperactive child, who is taking a prescription for being hyperactive. And have the mother tell you that the medication works, but leaves the child in depression, downcast. How would you feel? Bad? because you did not have any advice for her. Would you feel that you could not tell her to just turn it over to God, because here you a believer and have this prescription in hand also. 

How about doing this, share with her your knowledge of the Word and the power of prayer, and tell her that you would be passing out a list of prayer needs, and would be happy to place that name of that little fellow on it? Because we know that prayer works?" We know prayer works don’t we? We have made many many prayer requests through the years. Now we do not believe in "healers" per say, but then you know that, but we believe in the power of prayer. So we just need to learn to share with people how God can meet our need, by being that need in simply, making it an item of prayer, and we know that God can do it. He may not always answer the way we think He should, but He is still a prayer-answering God. These are the things that Paul is referring to here. The greatest healing that any one could receive is the in-word healing of our soul, when He comes into it, and His kingdom begins to operate from within us. For this is the healing and meaning of Isaiah 53:5 and 1Peter 2:24, when rightly divided, understood.

Ephesians 4:15a

"But speaking the truth in love,..."

Letting people know that Christ loves them, and that He died for them, and that He defeated all the powers of Satan and death when He arose from the dead.  

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