Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 29 of 39 part 6

2Corinthians 4:3-4
"But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:* In whom ** the god of this world (Satan) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
*if they are lost, they are in darkness. If they are in darkness, they are blind, and it is just a vicious cycle, this is also the state of those who are in the first estate. Oh, they have received redemption but yet the Bible is still a mystery to them, they have only the right to become a son of God. There remains a journey down the hill of despair and the revelation of how utterly sinful and bankrupt they are. Then there is the wanderings in the wilderness seeking for God and His righteousness. **those that are lost? No, but those who profess to believe but don't know just what it is they believe.
Do you see how one feeds on the other. If the world can keep people blind, they can not see the light. Oh, there are many a man who profess to have truth but truth is not Light nor is it Life eternal. If the world can keep them from seeing the light, they are going to stay blind. And the end will never meet, until the Lord moves in of course, and breaks this chain of blindness that is the blinder in the mind and hearts of both lost and yes, even the redeemed people alike. That is why we are given the Holy Spirit as a comforter, trainer, teacher and guide. But He can be copied and the false spirit thereby lead many astray. All the while they believe they are in the state of redemption. And as we have seen and heard the warnings even those in Salvation can also become distracted or turned away.

We are going to read the next verse also. We have had it happen, where some one said, "Well, you make too much of the Apostle Paul." And the person from whom this was spoken floored me, because he was and still is a close friend our ours.

2Corinthians 4:5
"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake."
Always remember that when we are constantly emphasizing Paul’s Apostleship it is only because Paul gives us the true view of the finished work of the cross, we do not get it anywhere else. This is why we spend as much time as we do in the Pauline Epistles. 

We are going to stay in Paul’s Epistles, because this is where we are now. This is what we have to know today, this is what we have to know to tell people how to get ready so they won’t be here for the Book of Revelation. Tell you what, we sure do not want to be here for that. We know the world scoffs at the Book of Revelation, because they can not imagine that these things are going to happen, but they are. We have been sharing in the Book of Exodus, and all the plagues that happened there. People do not scoff at that because there is enough valid proof that those plagues happened, but we say, if we can believe the plagues in Egypt, we had better believe the plagues in Revelation, because one is tied to the other.

We are just going to keep sharing what Paul teaches because he is going to be constantly putting us in the crucified, risen, and ascended Lord, our union with Him. Back to Ephesians chapter 4, verse 19, and Paul is speaking of those people who are in darkness. He is speaking of those people who the god of this world is keeping blind.

Ephesians 4:19
"Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness."   

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