Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 30 of 39 part 1.5

Genesis 6:11-12
"The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was (very) corrupt; for all flesh has corrupted his way upon the earth."
Here we have the word corrupt three times in 2 verses, and you know by now when God repeats something 2 or 3 times in a short period, what is He doing? Emphasizing. It is for emphasis, that the world leading up to the flood became so rotten and core. We believe their technology at that time was also exploding. Why do you think Lot chose Sodom, rather than the highlands of Israel? Because it was thriving, it had an economy, it probably had a stock market above 11,000. They had an abundance of food, and an abundance of idleness, which gives you the whole picture now of our own society. This is where we are, and what did the Lord Himself attach to it? "As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man." Hey, we are close to that time again. We do not put dates on it, but the more you see our sliding downward and morality dropping off the charts, and our technology rising, we are getting so close it almost scares us. And let’s look at verse 13.

Genesis 6:13
"And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence..." 
And when you have corruption, you have all manor of violence! What is more corrupt than mans religion? Nothing. It stinks like that seed potato when exposed. My wife and I have found somethings buries in scripture that took the wind out of our sail, but we are not yet at liberty to reveal what it is. Not until the LORD confirms what we have found, it has to wait on the shelf until then.
Come back to where we left off, and we did not quite finish with verse 22, so let us pick that verse up again.

Ephesians 4:22
"That ye put off concerning the former conversation (manner of living) the old man, (old Adam sin nature) which is corrupt according to deceitful lusts;"
Let me say this, if our Bible translators and yes the early Hebrew writers twisted, perverted scripture or as God told Hosea that he spoke through the Prophets in similitudes. Then we had better find out from Him what was meant when He spoke.
We looked at that word corrupt, and found that it is that which is in complete opposition to God, and includes, violence, immorality, and dishonesty, and all the stuff that makes up the world of wickedness all around us. What society of our day and time does not want to accept is that is very corrupt and this all stems from Religion. Mans Religion, Revelation and the worlds Economy pictured as a woman on the back of the waters. and waters, kingdoms and mountains mean nations which are all subjected to the corruption of this Harlot. We think once in a while the media and world around us is constantly ridiculing the fact that, God doesn’t always put up with man’s foolishness forever, and there is a day of judgment coming. Scripture tells us that this judgment will start at the house of God. Well where is the house of God? The literalist and the futurist will tell you that it is Israel, because of the way they read Bible prophecy. But is that true and more correctly is it the Truth? For Truth is determined by our own perspective or view point, what we depend on, our mindset, not God's. That makes Bible Truth corrupt, discolored, wrested and that all brings God's wrath down upon our heads. What we must know and see is God's perspective, what is He telling us. We are going to take us back, before we go any further, to Genesis 15. God has always promised that people would be judged all the way up through Scripture.
It goes without saying that when Israel, God’s covenant people, would go down the tube as we put it today, God would judge them. In their history, foreign nations come in and overrun them, or give them a king that would tax them to death. Sometimes they would be enslaved, and their young sons would be put into the armies and so forth. But when Israel would finally cry and cry, then of course God would bring them back out of it, bring them up to a high plain. They would be on the correct path for awhile and then down they would go again when they became disobedient. This is the cyclic cycle of Israel's history. So God would not hesitate to judge that little nation when they needed to be judged. His correction for them is still to come for the scriptures tell us that He will start with the household of God first (1 Peter 4:17). But is that actually what He means? Peters statement has these scripture references behind it: Isaiah 10:12, Jeremiah 25:29, 49:12, Ezekiel 9:6, Malachi 3:5 and Matthew 3:9-10, Luke 12:47-48, 23:31. Then Jesus in effect scolded Israel in the following passages: Matthew 11:20-24, Luke 10:12-14, and the writer of Hebrews in chapter 2:1-4 reminds those to whom he is addressing not to fall backwards into the old traditions, and we find a warning in 12:24-25 which we all would do well to listen to.

In fact we find in the book of Judges, is a record of the 400 year period of Israel’s history, it is nothing but a roller coaster ride. Up they had gone down and down they would go. They would no sooner get into a period of prosperity, and obedience to the Law and God, when they would become sensuous, nationalistic and materialistic, and then down they would go again. So we can see that God does not always wink at man’s improprieties and wickedness and put up with it. The first evidence of this is found in Genesis 15, where God is promising Abraham that his offspring, the nation of Israel, would one day be going down into Egypt into slavery and captivity.

Genesis 15:13a
"And he (God) said unto Abram, know of a surety (when God says it, you can bet on it) that thy seed (offspring) shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs,..."
Here God does not name Egypt, but we know now from our side of the coin, that is who He is talking about.   

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