Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 36 of 39 part 2

Genesis 26:6-7
"And Isaac dwelt in Gerar: And the men of the place asked him of his wife; and he said, She is my sister: for he feared to say, She is my wife; lest, said he, the men of the place should kill me for Rebekah; because she was fair to look upon."
Instead of saying, "This my wife and I’m ready to die for her", he says, "She is my sister." In so many words Isaac is saying, "You can have her", and according to custom they do. They took her to the king because she was beautiful, stunning to say the least.

Genesis 26:8-9
"And it came to pass, when he had been there a long time, that Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out at a window, and saw, and behold, Isaac was sporting with Rebekah his wife. And Abimelech called Isaac, and said, Behold, of a surety she is thy wife: and how saidst thou, She is my sister? And Isaac said unto him, Because I said, Lest I die for her."
We know that the Lord intervened again, before anything could happen, and He spared both Abraham, and Isaac, and their wives. 

Do you see now how women can rest on the promises of God? That is, if you are submissive to your husband as Sarah and Rebekah were, even though your husband can make a stupid move, God by His intercessory power can take care of the situation. So do not ever doubt that God can overcome every bad situation, He is more than able.

As we proceed, and by way of reminder we do not promote any denomination. We maintain that this Bible is for everybody, as no denomination has a corner on heaven or salvation. We a tempt to just simply share the Word and we allow the chips fall where they may. Not everyone likes where the chips falls, and sometimes we step on toes. One lady, left me an e-mail, in which she said, "My toes are bleeding." to that I answered, "Well come back again and I will do it all over again. I can not back off from what the Bible says, just to keep from hurting peoples feelings." I just try to lay it out as plainly as possible, what the Bible and the Holy Spirit leads me to say, and often what it does not say. 

Before we continue allow me to ask, have any of you ever thought about what Jesus was saying when He said talking about Satan's (Belial's, Beelzebub's and I might also add Molach's house), "a kingdom or house divided can not stand" (Matthew 12:25, Mark 3:25, Luke 11:17 and 12:52)? This is a two edged sword, in other words it has a double meaning. To put it in our days context, this is what we have in denominationalism which is exactly what Satan has been working overtime doing for the past ruffly 2000 years now. A kingdom or house divided that is splintered into groups oppose God and greatly hinder God's activities from every which way. This is why I cannot promote any church or church group or denomination and because of what 2Corinthians 6:11 through 7:5 reveals when rightly divided, understood.

We had gone back and looked at how Abraham and Isaac, who were both failures as husbands a couple of times, but God interceded, and took care of their wives in spite of their failures. We maintain the same thing is appropriate today. When we have a wife who submits to her husband, he may not always be right, he may at times stumble, yet if she plays her role as God intends her to do, He will make up the differences. Always remember that Paul is talking about the marriage relationship of believers. Now lord knows that ungodly men cannot be given this kind of freedom and responsibility, because they would abuse it. This we can see around the world by the miss treatment of children and woman in foreign countries under the banner of Religion and in some places Government controlled by Religion.

We are not talking about those kind of men. But rather we are talking about believing men who know the Lord. Who love and obey the Lord, the Spirit who, as we have seen in these previous verses, knows what it is to walk in the fullness of the Spirit. What it is to walk in the life of rejoicing and happiness, knowing the Lord is the head of the husband, as the husband, in turn is the head of the wife. So always keep this in perspective. This has not given men a free reign to just simply lord it over the women. No way! Nothing in Scripture ever gives men that prerogative of privilege. But when it comes to the final analysis of decision making, and especially when it comes to disciplining the children, then the major responsibly falls on the father, as we are going to see in our next chapter. We know this is a far cry from today where most of the discipline is left to the little mother or there is none at all. When I hear the way allot of child speak to their parents these days it disguises me to no end, for if I ever spoke in that fashion I would have found myself on the ground or with a hot rear-end for sure. Or possibly with soap washing the inside of my mouth.

Ephesians 5:23
"For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body."
Now always remember that the word "Church" does not mean that building on the corner. You know the one with the phallic symbol called a prayer tower on its roof with a cross on its top or peck.
As we were thinking about these things, we remembered when we put together our daughter and her husband now sixteen years ago. She was from Florida and he was from here in Tennessee, and her expression always was, "The Church house." "We’re going to go to the Church house." Yeah, they had searched around for the right church house and found one close to where her now husband grow up. Well here in Tennessee, and for most people today, that is almost an over used term. Oh we used to ride herd on her for saying that, and would ask, where do you get that? Well she would say, "that’s what it is!" But we had though had used the term many times, we just called it the Church or the little white Church. Back where I came from they were on what seemed to be every street corner and across the street on the opposite corner everyone's favorite watering whole, a bar or tavern. But you know what? She was right, it is the Church house, that building is not the Church.      

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