Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 37 of 39 part 2

Ephesians 6:1
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right."
What one basic attribute of the human makeup causes children to obey their parents? Love! And Love causes them to have respect of their parents because them know and understand the household rules because each parent enforces them equally. But it has to be a two-way street. So we have to look at this whole concept again of love as Paul talks about it in chapter 5 and 1Corinthians 13, between husbands and wives, and that same love carries on into the relationship between parents and children. What is the definition of "LOVE? Love = Seeking the other person’s highest good, the willingness to lay ones life down!" That is the best definition of true, Biblical love that we can ever think of. When we speak of love scripturally of course, we are not talking about erotic love, or sexual love, or Hollywood’s view of love, not even what the church calls love (all miss the mark). But we are rather talking about that God-given ability to love your neighbor as yourself, which Jesus in His earthly ministry calls the greatest commandment.

When you love your neighbor as yourself, what are you really doing? You are seeking his highest good. Think about that. That has nothing to do with the physical contact of the hugging and kissing and so forth that we normally associate with love anymore. But true love is just simply doing that which will bring about the highest good, whether it is a neighbor, the good of the nation which we are part of or our own wife or children. For a moment let’s come back to the great love chapter in 1Corinthians. You all know the chapter, and we are not going to read it all, but we do want to read a good portion of it, because it says it so aptly. We are finding out that people actually get more out of the Scripture by reading than what we say, and that is as it should be. We want people to literally let the Word of God itself speak to them, and not necessarily me. Now look what the Word says in verse 1. This is Paul speaking through the ontological essence of Christ's Spirit within him. It might be said that this is the only way that ant steward of this Gospel is to speak, by revelation. Here is another question, does your pastor, teacher speak in this way? Think on this.

1Corinthians 13:1
"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, (love) I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal." 
Sort of like rattling a rock in a tin can. That is all we are if love does not promote it.

1Corinthians 13:2
"And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, (love) I am nothing."
As we read these verses, we can’t help but remember the letter to the Church at Ephesus back there in the book of Revelation. And what was the admonition? Oh they had everything up to snuff, their doctrine was right, their works were right, but what was the Church at Ephesus lacking? Their first love! And it is the same way today, we do not care how skilled we are in the Scripture, we do not care how faithful we are in attending our particular Church and all these things, if there is no love behind it, then forget it, because it is like nothing. Its just become the habit of some. They even feel conviction if they miss any church event and especially a Sunday service, that ritualism and that is idolatry in practice. 

1Corinthians 13:3
"And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, (love) it profiteth me nothing."
That is strong language and a lot of times we do not think about it in this light. But unless we have this ability to seek the other persons highest good, and out of the motive that has God-given, then it is totally for nothing. And that is what Paul warned the Hebrews of and the churches of becoming. But because many shun Paul's kingdom of Faith in Grace Gospel they remain in darkness and sin.   

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