Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 36 of 39 part 5

1Peter 3:5
"For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, (in the realm of the modest spirit) being in subjection unto their own husbands:"
We just saw how Sarah, and Rebekah in complete subjection to their husbands obeyed, in the fashion of a Proverbs 31 woman. But also remember that God, in spite of their husbands goofs, did not let anything blow up. 

1Peter 3:6-7a
"Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him lord: (that’s a small “l”, so it is just simply a term of respect) whose daughters ye are* as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel,..."
*and of course Peter is writing to Jewish believers in particular.
It does not say, "equal vessel, but the weaker one.” Listen, for the wife that has a husband that behaves himself as the Lord treats the Church, she does not have to be afraid to admit that she is the weaker vessel, because rather, she is to be most envied. Because she is highly honored among woman. She is, because she carries her husbands good name and is recognized by his good name. Her former glory was her maiden name but now it has become her good husbands name. It is by this that she is now identified and known in the community around them.

1Peter 3:7b-8a
"...and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren,..."
This goes on and stretches beyond the home, and the local community and is still so applicable to the husband and wife relationship. Coming back to our text in Ephesians chapter 5. We have found that Paul and Peter agree on this subject of the husband and wife. And that is natural because it is Holy Spirit inspired, that the wife is to be submissive to the husband, and the husband is to love his wife.

Ephesians 5:25a
"Husbands, love your wives,..."
That is a commandment! There are many people who think the only commandments in Scripture are the Ten. Oh no! The Scripture is full of commandments. Paul has all kinds of them for us in this Church Age, of the New Covenant ruled, that we are in right now. They are not under the same scenario as the Ten, but they are still Scriptural admonitions and ordinances. In another place Paul tells us, "to pray without ceasing," and in still another place he tells us, "to resist the devil." Those are commandments that we should be doing continually, without letup.

And this commandment in Ephesians, commands the husband to love his wife, and any time we husbands, myself included, get less than loving we have to immediately say, "Now wait a minute, God’s command is to love her." Whether you think you have reason to love her or not, the command of God is, "you love her!" After all that is why the Lord gave her to you.

I like to point out, and this is to the chagrin of the men, and for the benefit of you women. "Men are commanded to love the wife, the wife is never commanded to love the husband." Does that mean she is free to just simply take off and leave him? No! Do you know what that means? That God has so constructed in the creation of the female, assuming that she is normal, "that if she has a husband who loves her as much as Christ loves the Church, she is automatically going to love that man, and she does not need anyone telling her how to do it."

You see this all goes the way back to the Garden of Eden and before to Genesis chapter 1, verses 26 and 27. This is where this whole format of the husband being the head of the woman began, and God never rescinded it. Never! It has been part and parcel of Scripture all the way up through human history, and it is still valid today. Even though man in his ignorance tries to play god and do opposite by allowing females and males to marry in opposition to God's plan, it is not so with God. And those who remain in that state will find eternity an unbearable place because the pleasures of mans flesh will ultimately judge them and find them wonton. Then we have Adam's statement in Genesis 2:23-24 which comes from the understanding of 1:26-27.     

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