Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Continuing with, Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. Part 5f

 By way of reminder here's what we're up to in the continuation of section 5 and the beginning of this whole blog and its sister blog shown as a link titles "GOD has but One Way for us All." Well here I am, with what for many is a great puzzlement; I shall try to copy it through as revealed as "the word" within me / us all, that word is but one letter that was hidden within our bone structure. For within it we find the "marrow" where our DNA and blood originates as "the life" that is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11, John 6:53). Remember this in Genesis 1:26-28 we find that Man is a spirit  to be made in the image and likeness of Elohiym (H430) or put another way, as, GOD in man. The other thing is, is that a body was not on the earth until chapter 2 verse 5. This after "the day of rest" in verses 1-3 as part of the creation narrative of the seventh day, a season of worship; As pushed by many religious sects and groups; And then formed in verse 7 only after moisture came up through the earth in verse 6 to moisten the ground thusly making clay, when the Master potter (John 1:1-5; Isaiah 64:8; Proverbs 16:4; Jeremiah 18:3-6; Rom. 9:11, 18, 22-23; Hosea 8:8 ) formed the clay into a earthen vessel. This is the bases of all that is to follow. 

This is the scene in John's gospel letter, in what Jesus Himself said about our eating of His flesh and drinking in of His blood, which sadly has been butchered by those of religions delusional people over the ages, these ages including the beginning of the Israel story under Moses watch. For Genesis 3 speaks to this as a changing of mindsets (this is repeated in the testing of Jesus after He was hungry, weakened by hunger, after a 40 day fast), meaning to accept that of GOD'S and Humanity's enemy, who has many titles such as the Devil, Satan, Dragon and the evil one the rider of the pale house in Revelation. The Prophets carrying it over onto Lucifer a national leader of a corrupted mind this currently being played out as a Persian war against the world by those of similar background / mindset. I have slipped or regressed an age or two, back to John chapter ?; That's right because most of John's account is made up of our being part of Jesus's body or our shared Humanity. Even the accounting of His baptism is the center of our joint being made up of the Father's image and likeness as seen in Genesis 1's account of verses 26 through 28 this making us all a spiritual part of There being. This has troubled the angels for eternity past because of the special attention paid to humanity by GOD, this is seen in Psalm 8; backed up in Deuteronomy 29:29, and 18:15 through the end of this chapter it describing Jesus who is Christ centered just as we are. This part of Humanity that was healed (Isaiah 53:5) by His stripes and bruising as described in Galatians 2:20 and Hosea 6:1-3. More to come of that I am sure.

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