Sunday, June 12, 2022

Continuing with Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. 6.4d

                                                Humanity's Identity Restored

   When I ended our last visit I said that there would be more to be revealed well here is part of it. It being found in verse 17 where the Mirror Study Bible revealed this "GOD'S strategic plan" this like the "fisa warrant," works both ways the Mirror did not show Matthew 27:51-54 which is: "Behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; And the earth did quake, and the rocks were rent; And the graves were opened; And many bodies of the Saints (Hosea 6:1-3 is put into effect) which slept arose, and came out of the graves after Jesus' resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared to many. Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus' grave site, were witnesses, and saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, "Truly this was the Son of God." 

This falls right in line with Colossians 2:15 to which I will add verse 16 after the teaching of 15, and 3:9-10 in this statement; In Jesus' dying humanity's death, Jesus defused every possible claim of accusation against the human race and thus made a public spectacle of every rule and authority in GOD'S brilliant triumph, demonstrated in Jesus. Then the Mirror went into the language of the words used and pointed us to Colossians 3:9 but omitted verses 10 and 11 which says this in the KJV: "Having put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Them that created us: where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is All, and in All."

     Now for the Mirror Study Bible's rendition of Colossians 2:15: "In His dying humanity's death., Jesus defused every possible claim of accusation against the human race and thus made a public spectacle (this being left out Mat. 27:51-54) of every rule and authority in GOD'S brilliant triumph, demonstrated in Jesus. The voice of the Cross will never be silenced! (The horror of the Cross is now the eternal trophy of GOD'S triumph over sin (the loss conscientiousness of who we are, our origin, our true design and identity restored)! The cross stripped religion of its authority to manipulate humanity with guilt. Every accusation lost its leverage to blackmail the human race with condemnation and shame! The word, apekduomai, is translated from apo, away from,  and ekduo, to be stripped of clothing; To disarm; [The religious facade that disguised the Mosaic Law of self works as a means of defining a person's life, when it is the very Life of Christ within us that defuses the defeated sin, as seen in Hebrews 13:20-21]. The same word is used in Col. 3:9. The dominance of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil [poneros, hard work and heavy labor, a struggle to free one's self from the sin of religion; The meaning of Gen. 3:15's (H6119, from H6117)heel, of the sup-planter, lier] The word deikmatizo, means to exhibit in public. The word, arche, means to rule and exousia, authority. The word, parresia, comes from pas, all and rheo, outspokenness, pouring forth speech.

Jesus Christ stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets of Jerusalem, Mat. 27:51-54.

1Corinthians 15:24 is a description of the finished work of Christ, The complete conclusion in His work of redemption is celebrated in Jesus' yielding the full harvest of His reign to GOD the Father, having brought to naught the Mosaic Law of works which supported every definition of dominion under the fall (the lost identity of humanity's internal union with the invisible GOD), including all principalities, all authority and every dynamic influence in society. [Jesus brought to naught the law of works, katargeo, from kata, meaning intensity and argos, meaning labor; Thus freeing us all from all self effort to attempt to improve upon what GOD has already accomplished and perfected (in Genesis 2:4-5; 6-7) in Christ. All principalities, arche, or chief in rank above the other on the basis of their performance or preference. All authority, exousia, comes from ek, denoting origin and eimi, 'I AM'; In this case, because of what I can do I am defined by what I can do better than you; Therefore, I have authority over you. Every dynamic influence in society, dunamis, means power, in this case willpower. Every Governmental structure in society will be brought under the dominion of Grace where the Christ-life rules.]

In 1Corinthians 2:7-8, "We voice words of wisdom that were hidden in silence for timeless ages; A mystery unfolding GOD'S Masterful plan whereby They would redeem Their glory in humanity. Neither the politicians nor the theologians of the day had a clue about this mystery [of humanity's association in Christ]; If they did, they would never have crucified the LORD whose death redeemed our origin and glory!)

     Now for the renewed mind of Christ centering around our origin and design, again using the KJV no the mystery is best explained than that in the Mirror Study Bible, for Colossians 3:8-13 on to 15, we find this: "For now, because you realize that you were co-crucified and died and were co-raised together within Christ, you can flush your thoughts with Truth! Permanently put these things behind you: things such as violent outbursts of rage, depression, all manner of wickedness, slander and every form of irregular conversation. (The lifelong association with sin's chains were broken; The dominion of the character of GOD is revealed again in our origin of ordinary life. The word, G988, blasphemos, means any attempt to belittle someone else and to cause someone to receive a bad reputation. To assume the position of the accuser.) That old life was a lie, foreign to our design! Those garments of disguise are now thoroughly deleted from our understanding of our union with Christ in our co-death in Him and His death and resurrection. We are no longer obligated to live under the false identity and rule of the robes we wore before, neither are we cheating anyone through false pretensions. (The garments an actor wears define his part in the play but cannot define him. They like the flesh is only an exterior covering, superficial covering of the supernatural within our natural.) We stand fully identified in the new creation renewed in the knowledge according to the pattern of the exact image and likeness of our Creator resident within our being.[We are not made "in" Their image but rather actually have Their image and likeness within us, making us Christ-ones, like the analogy used of the clothing.] The revelation of Christ in us gives identity to the individual beyond anything anyone could ever be as a Greek or a Jew, American or African, foreigner of famous, male or female, king or pawn. From now on everyone is defined by Christ; Everyone is represented in Christ. (In seeing Christ not just as recorded in history but rather as being revealed in us, we discover the face of our birth as in a mirror! James. 1:18, Of Their own will begat They us with the word of Truth, that we should be a kind of first-fruits of Their creatures.) We are the product of GOD'S Love, Life and Light; They restored our thoughts to Their original thought. We belong to Them exclusively [always have]. It is like changing garments. Now that we have gotten rid of the old, clothe ourselves with inner compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, (Just like we were once identified by our apparel, the characteristics of these qualities define us now.) upholding one another in positive expectation. If anyone finds fault with another, restore that person to grace, remembering how the LORD'S forgiveness has transformed our lives. Wear Love like a uniform; This is what completes the picture of our oneness. Appoint the Peace of Christ as umpires in our hearts. We are all identified in the same person; There is only One Body. We are born to be a blessing and exhibitors of Their benevolence."

With this I shall close, if the LORD wills. For They have just One Way into the Kingdom Life within us all. May the LORD increase our capacity to learn of Them to then do Their perfect Will. Amen!

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