Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Continuing with Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. 6.4e

                                               Humanity's Identity Restored

    After spending some time on Hebrews 13:20-22, I began to realized that it contained a hidden message of our origin and the restoring of the image and likeness of Elohiym within us by His doing. Listen to how it is stated in the KJV: "Now the GOD of Peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ; To Whom be glory for ever and ever. I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation: for I have written this letter to you in few words. Amen" 

Then I checked the Mirror Study Bible to see what I might fine there it states much the same thing. Here's how it reflects this: "This is my prayer for you: that the GOD Who made Peace with the human race through the blood of the eternal Testament, Who raised Jesus from the dead as the supreme Shepherd of the sheep, will thoroughly equip you in the most distinguished way possible, to give expression to His design in you according to His delight realized in Jesus Christ, Who is the blueprint of the ages. Jesus is the accurate expression of the invisible GOD. GOD'S glory. Our lives confirm and echo this, I have written to you briefly, reminding you of your original identity in order to increase the volume of its resonance within your hearts. Amen! (The word, [2, G430, translated as suffer, is from G303 and G2192] anechomai, means to hold oneself up against, from ana, often means by repetition in order to increase intensity, and echo, to hold, embrace or echo, resonate. The word, [G3870, translated beseech, is from G3844 and G2564] parakaleo, from para, originating from a sphere of influence, and kaleo, to call by name, to surname [Hebrews 12:23])

Now Jesus restored [redeemed] to humanity it's proper design and image by the way of the Cross with the accompanying resurrection of Redemption's success, this falling on the eighth day. Remember the Jews had to have Him buried before sunset of the coming holiday, on what we call Saturday the seventh day of creation's rest. Putting His body in the ground of Friday which equates to the sixth day. Having defeated all positioning forces in His humanity. This confirmed successful by the Resurrection on the part of humanity's true identity being re-birthed from above in our joint resurrection. This made possible because the first sight of this was added to the narrative of Genesis 1 in verse 26 through 28. While humanity's construction took place during the day of perfection....the eighth day. Remember the geniality translated as generations of verses 4 and 5 when Elohiym survived all things spoken into being in Genesis 1, after the seventh day rest of Gen. 2:1-3.

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