Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Christ within You .010.5

Within the scriptures context of the last blog post we looked at Jeremiah 17:5, 7-8 and Isaiah 57:15-16, 18-19 and highlighted the portions of interest. In this post I shall look at a few key words of Isaiah 57:15 and 18 using the LXX and the Strong's Word Dictionary's Hebrew (H....) with some referenced passages and these not in any order of use.

inhabits (H7931, dwell, abide, rest, habitation) 

eternity (H5703, repeat, witness, again, until)

dwell (H7931, to stay, abide, inhabit, rest)

contrite (H1793, seed crushed, broken)

humble (H8217, low, base)

spirit (H7307, path, travel, breath, courage, enlargement)

revive (H2421, live, life; quicken, recover)

heart (3820, think, authority inside, understanding, friendly)

contrite (H1792, seed, crush, bruise)

Now for a few scripture references, first verse 15, whose name is Holy: Job 6:10, Luke 1:49;

I dwell in: Psalm 68:4, Zechariah 2:13;

with him of contrite and humble spirit: Psalm 34:18:

Now for verse 18 of chapter 15 of Isaiah:

I will heal (H7495, man open, repair,cure)

I will lead (H5148,  guide, rest, bestow, straiten)

restore (H7999, complete, a state of wholeness, restitution)

comforts (H5150, regret, to have sorrow for an action)

mourners (H57, flow, a flowing of certainty - surely)

Now for a few passages of referenced verses of 18, I will lead him, Psalm 73:24, guide me Isaiah 58:8, and receive me John 14:3 and 2Corinthians 5:1

Now for a few lose passages: 

Psalm 113: 4-7, James 4:6, Psalm 97:9, Exodus 15:11, Isaiah 66:1-2, 1Kings 8:27, Psalm 138:6-7, 34:18 and 147:3

Now there are many more of that I am sure but if your willing to do your part you'll gain much more than If I shared them all with a copy and paste of them.

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